Chapter Seventeen

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Tris pov

Tobias places sweet short kisses on my lips as he tries to wake me up.

"Wake up sleepy head" he says

"I'm to tired" I whisper putting a hand on my belly.

"I know but you have a doctors appointment today and you're going wedding shopping with your mom and brides maids" he says happily

Yes. Tobias and I are getting married. He proposed to me a month ago at a baseball game because we both love baseball. It was so adorable and it was amazing being on the jumbo screen. We even got to meet one of the players who congratulated us.

I turn and look at him with annoyed eyes.

"Can we reschedule the doctors appointment and the wedding planning, Tobias im really not up for it today" I sat sitting up in bed

"Okay, sure" he says kissing my head

He's so good to me. I'm cranky and such a bitch because of my pregnancy horomones but some how he always finds a way to make me happy.

He gets ready to leave the bed when I pull him back and kiss him. He gently kisses me back and I pull away and look at his beautiful eyes.

"I'll go to the appointment and wedding shopping" I whisper to him

"No baby, if you're not feeling up to it then don't go" he says and I smile pecking his lips

"I'm feeling better, I'll just go" I say and he smiles

"Okay" he says

Tobias holds my hand as I sit on the exam room bed. I'm bouncing my leg up and down because for some reason I'm nervous.

I haven't been feeling the best these past few days and I'm just worried the doctor is going to tell me something's wrong with the baby.

There's a knock at the door and our doctor, Dr. Montgomery walks in.

She greets us with hugs and a big smile.

"So how are you" she ask

"Good" I say lying

"No she's not. She's nervous because she hasn't been feeling her greatest and she's worried there might be something wrong with the baby" Tobias says and I look up at him mad.

"Tris I'm happy Tobias decided to tell me that. I know your scared but you always have to tell me how you're feeling so I can make sure I give you the best help" she says

"Thank you" I say

"So shall we take a look" she says and I nod, laying back in the bed. I lift my shirt up and Dr. Montgomery examines it.

"Okay so it's a little big for a 6 month year old baby" she says writing things down on her clipboard. I start to get worried and Tobias squeezes my hand, telling me everything will be okay.

"But I'm sure it's okay. Let's take a look" she says putting the cold jelly on my belly and moving the wand thing around.

She moves it and looks at the screen.

"Oh wow" she says and I sit up

"Oh wow what" I say worriedly

"It looks like you're having twins" she says

"Again" Tobias and I say at the same time

"Yes indeed." She says smiling

"Why did we just find this out now" I say more calmer

"The 2nd baby was hiding behind the 1st baby making it hard to see that there were 2 babies in there. I'm sorry for the late news" she says

"It's okay. So the babies are fine. Me being sick is normal" I say

"Yes. Normally morning sickness should stop but since you have twins it's going to go on longer" she says

"Okay" I say smiling

"Thanks doc" Tobias says

"No problem. We're done for the day so see you next month" she says

"Yes" Tobias answers

"And you missy call me if you have any problems at all you want to get off your chest and make sure are okay" the doctors says to me and I nod, giggling.

She leaves and I look at Tobias and we smile at each other

"Twins?" I say to him

"Twins." He says back holding my waist and lifting me from the bed to the floor.

"We're going to have 4 kids" I say closing my eyes imagining it. I'm happy because it's going to be amazing having 4 little ones running around the house. The girls already bring so much joy to Tobias and I's life.

"Yes" Tobias says putting a hand on my cheek

"But no more after that" I whisper opening my eyes

"That's okay with me" he says and kisses my lips.

I give him a nice long kiss back and then pull away and lay my head on his chest.

"What's wrong" he ask

"I'm hungry" I say and he laughs

"Okay let's get something to eat" he says holding my hand and we leave to eat.

This is going to be part 1 of this chapter, part 2 will be tris wedding shopping and revealing what's going on with her and Chris friendship.

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