Chapter twenty one

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Tris pov

I lay in bed with Tobias's arms wrapped around me. Baby Kyle starts to cry and it wakes us up.

"I got it" Tobias says looking at me moving a piece of hair from my face.

"He's probably hungry" I tell Tobias

"Okay" he says

"I'll bring him over here" I tell him

I walk to baby Kyle's room and pick him up from his crib.

"Oh baby, it's okay" I say laying his head against my body and rocking him back and forth.

There was suppose to be two babies here but I lost one. I'm still recovering from the loss but I have to be strong for baby Kyle and the girls. They need me and I have to be there for them.

I bring Kyle into Tobias and I's room and sit us on the bed.

"Look at the cute little wittle baby" Tobias says in his daddy voice, reaching his hands out for Kyle.

I hand him carefully to Tobias and sit back in bed. I lay my head on the bed board and watch as Tobias plays with Kyle.

He's such a great dad.

Kyle starts crying in Tobias arms so I reach my hands out for him.

"Aww it's okay, it's okay. I know. I know you're hungry" I say in my mommy voice. Tobias places him in my arms and I lift up my shirt and feed him.

Once he's being feed he stops crying instantly.

It's been about 5 minutes and Kyle is still sucking.

"Is he ever going to stop eating" I say laying my head back but keeping kyle supported.

"He's a hungry little guy" Tobias says

After Tobias said that Kyle stops sucking. I put my shirt down and pat his back so he can burp.

That goes by quick and once I know it I'm taking Kyle back to his room.

I walk back into Tobias and I's room and cuddle close to Tobias.

"You okay" he ask, running his hand up and down my waist.

"I just need some time alone with you" I say looking at him.

"I want us to get married, go on our honeymoon and not have to think about kids" I add

"Then let's speed the wedding planning, change our date-... I mean we haven't sent the invitations we can make new ones." He says

"I want to marry you already too and I really really really can't wait to see you in tons of lingerie" he adds and I laugh

"What makes you think I'll have tons of lingerie" I tell him

"I just know" he says winking his eye at me and I laugh.

"You're something else" I tell him holding his face and he laughs

"But that's why you love me" he says and I nod connecting our lips.

He deepens it putting his hands on my waist but before anything moves farther. I pull away peck his lips and tell him goodnight.

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