Chapter Eighteen

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Tris pov

"Twins? Oh my gosh how exciting" Shaunna says as we wait outside of the wedding shop for my mom, Evelyn, and Christina.

Yes, Christina and I are still friends but not like we used to be she's not even my maid of honor, Marlene is. How could I make her my maid of honor when she called me a slut.

We are still trying to fix our differences but for the most part I think we're okay.

She decided to keep the baby, her and Uriah live together now. They say they don't date but we all know they secretly do.

Marlene was heartbroken and a little depressed but she overcame that. Since all of our friends graduated college they all have their own houses/ apartments now.

Marlene lives in an apartment like 10 minutes away from Tobias and I's house. Her and Uriah don't speak at all. So doesn't Chris and her, they kind of just stay away from each other.

Will didn't take Christina's cheating so well. He dropped Chris completely, as soon as he graduated he moved to California and none of us have spoken to him since.

Zeke and Shaunna are doing well. They have always been a great couple. We're always teasing them about settling down and getting married already but they are being smart and waiting, enjoying life to the fullest.

"How did Four take it?" Marlene ask

"He took it well. He was just as excited. He loves kids and he's really good with them but I told him no more kids after these two" I say to them pointing at my belly and they laugh.

"Yeah it has to stop somewhere" Shaunna says as we die down our laughter.

My mom and Evelyn came together. When they arrived they embraced me in a big hug, telling me how excited they were to be grandma's of yet another set of twins.

Then we were just waiting for Christina.

She walked up to us and everyone got quiet.

"Congrats tris. I heard about the twins" she says and I smile

"Thanks. Um... congrats on the girl. I heard you were having a girl" I say awkwardly

"Yeah. I really liked the name Emma ever since I was little but that's your daughters name so Uriah and I are just going to think of something else" she says holding her belly.

She's 4 months almost 5. The doctors found out the sex of the baby early.

"Um... yeah. Sorry about that. I didn't know you were planning on naming you daughter Emma" I say scratching my head in this awkward situation like why would she bring that up.

"It's okay" she says and everyone just stands there awkwardly.

"So do you girls want to start shopping" Marlene says being the perfect maid of honor she is.

"Sure" my mom says holding the door for everyone as we walk in.

The store we picked is a bridal shop. It has all things weddings.

"Hello ladies what could I help you with today" a sales lady walks up to us

"We're just looking" I say

"Okay just let me know if you need any help" she says and I nod

"How about we split up and look around then meet in about 30 minutes and show what we found" I say

"That would be good" Shaunna says

"So Marlene and I will be together. Mom and Evelyn, then Shaunna and Chris. Sounds good" I say

"Good" they say

Marlene and I walk around pick some things out, laugh at some stuff.

Once the 30 minutes are up, we meet up with everyone else and see what they found.

Tobias and I want a medium wedding. Not to big but not to small. We are going for a starry night type of thing. So a lot of fairy lights hanging, Stars, etc.

My mom found some beautiful star decorations and Marlene and I found nice lights. Chris and Shaunna found nice silverware.

We give our order to the sales lady because she has to order the stuff we want which will ship to our house in about a month. Then I get hungry so we decide to go out.

"I'm not feeling so good so can I skip lunch" Christina says

"If you want." I say

"Are you going to be okay" I ask her and she nods.

I give her a hug goodbye then she leaves.

My mom and Evelyn end up leaving too because they just weren't feeling lunch so it's just Marlene, Shaunna and I.

We go to a nice diner but it's packed so we have to wait about 20 minutes.

"Oh babies, mama's hungry too" I say to my belly that is filled with hungry babies.

"Awe" Shaunna says

"What" I giggle

"Being pregnant looks so cute" she says

"Not on Chris. She looks miserable every time we see her" Marlene says

"Some people handle their pregnancys different ways, for me it's like nothing. I just go about my day even though I have a huge stomach" I say

"So when are you and Zeke going to have one of your own" Marlene says and we giggle

"We're thinking about it" she says

"So he wants a baby" I say

"He does" she says

"And you? What do you want" Marlene ask

"I want one too" she says

"Then why aren't you baby making" I say

"I can't have kids" she blurts out

"At all?" Marlene ask

"The doctors say I have a low chance because I don't know I was just born like that" she says

"Well there are other options" I say

"Have you thought about adoption" I ask

"Maybe Zeke and I can try that but we really want a baby of our own. So we're hoping maybe some magic will happen" she tells us.

"That's good. Don't give up" I say rubbing my belly.

A waiter calls us over and walks us to a table.

Sorry for not updating I'm on vacation but I'm going home tomorrow so I'll be updating more

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