Chapter twenty

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Tris pov

I lay in a hospital bed clutching my belly and squeezing Tobias hand. Everyone from the baby shower is scattered in the room. We got a big room because of all our guest and because we're having twins.

"Do you want me to get you anything" Zeke says a little scared to talk to me

"No-... I'm fine" I say in between deep breaths.

"Can I get some privacy" I say to everyone as calm as I could

My parents and Tobias parents start exiting the room along with everyone else so I have to stop them.

"Mom, dad, Evelyn, Marcus you can stay" I say

I lay my head back in bed and start to cry.

"Shh. Shh. Shh" Tobias says wiping my tears

"It hurts. And I'm scared. I'm worried something is wrong with the babies" I cry to him

"Nothing is wrong, they are just a little early. The doctor said that happens to twins all the time" he says

"But it still doesn't mean it has a good outcome" the doctor says walking in to the room

"Hi doctor. Are the babies going to be okay" I ask her worriedly

"It looks like we are going to have to do a C section because one of the babies is not positioned right and is causing him a lot of harm" she says

"This could be the reason why you had an early labor" she adds

"Do what ever you have to do, I want my babies saved and not in harm" I say

"We will do our best" she says

They prep me for the C section, then roll me down to the operating room.

I get numbed and pricked with another Iv.

Tobias stands next to me and grabs my nervous hand.

"It's going to be okay, just deep breaths in and out" he says

"We're going to start, you're just going to feel a bit of discomfort but no pain" the doctor says

I close my eyes and open them letting the tears spill out.

"I'm scared" I say to Tobias

"Don't be. The doctors know what they're doing" Tobias assures me.

"Baby one out" the doctor says and I get happy

"Can I see him" I say with a big smile

"He's going to get examined first" the doctor working on my stomach says

"Okay" I say letting out a shaky breath.

The doctors work fastly on the second baby making me worry.

"Is everything going okay with the babies" I ask but no one answers

I get so worried and the stress overcomes me, I feel light headed and everything goes black.

Tobias pov

Tris lays in a hospital bed recovering from the C section. She passed out in the middle of the surgery.

Baby one made it but the second baby didn't. I don't know how to tell her this. She's going to be heart broken.

The doctor doing the C section walks into the room and everyone stands, my parents, tris parents, our friends besides Marlene. We asked her to watch the girls at home.

"Can I talk to Tris fiancé and tris parents" the doctor ask

I stand from the chair I was sitting in and follow Natalie and Andrew into the hallway with the doctor.

"What's up doc? Is tris going to be okay" Andrew ask

"She should be fine physically but mentally I'm just a little concerned" Dr. Montgomery says

"Why do you say that" Natalie ask

"Tris did have mental problems but that was years ago" she adds

"I know and I've seen she's come a long way which is amazing but a death like this is/ could affect her very badly. She could stop eating or feel the need to harm herself. She's going to feel very sad because most likely she will blame herself" the doctor says

"I know my daughter, she will overcome this" Natalie says

"I'm not saying she's going to go back to old habits but just to keep in mind she could" the doctor says

"So what do we do?" I ask

"Just be there for her, help her a lot with the new baby and if you see she's doing bad have her call me or you can call me and we could get something set up" she says

"Okay thanks doc" I say

"No problem and I'm sorry for your loss" she says

We walk back into the room and tris is awake. Everyone around her is giving her a sad smile while she has a big smile on her face.

"What's wrong" she ask

"Why is everyone so sad" she says

"Did something happen to the babies" she says starting to cry

"Guys some privacy" I tell everyone and they leave

I sit with her on the bed and hold her hand while the doctor explains to her what happened with the second baby.

She screams and cries into me and all I do is hold her and keep her close. I hate seeing her in this pain.

This was a very sad chapter but there's more to come.

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