Chapter 3 (Heather Chandler)

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"Soooo, What was that about?" Duke asks. She looks amused.

"Nothing, hopefully," I say, taking a long sip from my soda. I add, "That guy is bad news, you should all avoid him," my eyes flick to Veronica at the last part. She looks concerned. I smile quickly at her, hoping to reassure her that nothing is wrong. It doesn't look like it worked.

Veronica leans close to me and whispers, "Meet me in the library during study hall if you'd like. I wanna talk about that JD creep."

I smile at her. She finally smiles back and my heart melts just a little. Study hall it is, I guess.

The bell rings, signaling the end of lunch. I wave goodbye to Veronica and Duke. McNamara and I are heading to English while Veronica and Duke go to math together.

English is average. My best subject, but I got a shit teacher this year. Old balding ladies are the worst. We sat around while she babbled on for a while. There were murmurs all around me. The teacher was too senile to hear them, I guess. She kept on teaching.

The chatter grows louder. I could make out bits and pieces, and eyes darting toward me.
"Homo...Chandler's...dyke..." I shift uncomfortably. Anyone I caught staring was met with a death glare from me.

I pull out my phone to block out the people around me, but it was worse online. My Instagram is flooded with messages. "whats up, dyke?" "get out of my school you faggot" "since when were u a fag??"

Oh god. I check my twitter. More of the same. I scroll through my DMs, similar story. One of them simply read, "sorry/ not sorry, lil red ;)" Fuck you, Jason Dean. I swear to god the next person who says anything to me is getting a mouthful of my fist. I stood up and stormed out of the room. I'm not even sure the teacher noticed.

I angrily speed down the hall to the library. We only have 10 minutes until the bell rang, might as well wait it out in here until Veronica shows up.

I crack the door open to the library. Empty. I walk back to the secluded and rarely visited Reference section. I plop down in a beanbag chair and pull out my phone to tell Veronica where I am. I was mostly done with the text when I notice a faint sound coming from deeper into the reference section.

Shit! There's someone else here? I stand up and prepare to leave when I realize the sound was... crying? Closer to sobbing, really. I follow the crying.

As I got closer I noticed it was a girl, and when she came into view I realize it's...


She turns around to face me from the small table she was sitting at, eyes wide with surprise and puffy from crying. She turned so fast the chair fell over and she hit the floor.

"Oooww," she says from the floor, then she started crying again.

I help her up and back into her chair. "Veronica, what happened? Are you ok?" I sit in the chair next to her.

"Duke..." Veronica starts, and I already want to shove my foot so far up Duke's ass she tasted my shoe for a week.

"Veronica, look at me," I say to her, "Tell me what happened."

She takes in a shaky breath and starts spilling the beans. The rumor's out; everyone is talking about me. In her math class, Duke was taking advantage of this opportunity to dethrone me and telling everyone other stuff about me that was completely falsified, like that she had walked in on me making out with some girl. Veronica was standing up for me, denying the rumors, but then Duke had to step her bony ass in and take Veronica down with me. Duke told everyone that the girl she caught me making out with was Ronnie, and the whole class blew up at her. She ran out and came here not long before I did.

She's still crying when she finished. "Heather, no one's ever talked to me like that before; pure hatred and... with the intent to rip my heart out. I've been bullied, but never like that."

My mind is racing, filled with so many emotions and urges. Love, hate, wanting to punch someone's lights out, wanting to make out with Veronica, wanting--

Wait, what? Am I going crazy? I can't make out with her! I don't know if she likes girls, I don't know if anyones here. I glance around and strain me hearing. Nobody besides us.

"Heather?" Veronica says, following my gaze, "What are you looking for?"

I turn back to her. We lock eyes. I can't stand to see her hurting like this. My eyes flick to her lips.

Fuck it.

I lean in. Our lips touch. I feel her body tense, but she doesn't pull away. The kiss is light, a little more than a peck on the lips. Enough to tell her that the kiss is real, and I wanted to do it.

I sit back up and look at Veronica. Her mouth is slightly open still, her eyes wide. She stopped crying.

"You're mine, and I'm not going to let anybody hurt you again," I say, looking into her eyes. She blushes and looks away, an awkward smile playing on her lips.

"I-I...uh..." she stutters. I smile at her. She's so cute when she's flustered. She frantically wrings her hands and says, "Thanks, Heather."

The bell tolls, signaling the start of study hall. I stand up and offer Veronica my hand. She smiles and takes it. She stands, but then her smile falters.

"Heather, I don't know what I'm doing. I've never kissed someone before. Can we... take this slowly?" She asks, shuffling in place.

"Whatever you want, Ronnie," I smile at her.

She smiles back, "We also probably shouldn't do any PDA, that would just make people hate us more."

I nod. "You're right. A promise is a promise; no one is going to hurt you while I'm around."

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