Chapter 4 (Veronica)

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(Animatics I add have nothing to do with chapters, I just like them uwu; also thanks to everyone whos supporting me. This is the most attention a story of mine has gotten. Sincerely, i wanna thank yall for that. Hope u enjoy the rest of it!)

     Dear diary,
Well, things have gone to shit.

5 minutes after Heather and I left the library, there was already a video of us kissing spreading through the whole school.

I hid behind Heather as we made our way down the hall. People were shouting slurs at us, a few even trying to beat the living hell out of us. I grabbed a fistful of Heather's shirt and walked close behind her.

Heather's so strong, especially compared to me. Here I am, trying not to cry and using her as a meat shield, while she's flipping people off and trying to kick them in the face. I hope today is better than yesterday.

--3 weeks later--

I sit in my homeroom, trying to finish up my homework from last night. Heather and I were at the movies all night. However, it's hard to focus when you're being pelted by a paper ball every few seconds.

I turn and glare at Kurt and Ram. Ram just flips me off, while Kurt throws a wad of paper in my face. I just turn back around and ignore it; violence isn't my thing, it's Heather's. I'll tattle on them later and she'll mount their heads over the fireplace.

The bell tolls and it's more of the same from the past few weeks; I try to work while everyone else tries to ruin my day. I'm immune to most of their words now. "Faggot" hurts less than "dyke," though.

First period ends, and second is essentially the same as first. I'll admit, after 15 days of this, it's taking a toll on me. It's like I'm leaving a little piece of me behind after every class. I won't have anything left by the end of the year at this rate.

Lunch rolls around and I go to my now usual table; the back corner with Martha and Heather. Heather has been 'de-throned' so to speak. She's no longer queen of high school; she's less than dirt to most people these days, not that I'm seen any better.

Heather's more quiet these days. I think she feels out of place, like she doesn't belong with Martha and I. That doesn't mean she won't explode at some people, or that she won't talk to anyone; however in comparison to before 'the drop' as we're calling it, she's like a different person.

Martha's been awesome, she accepted Heather almost immediately. I really didn't expect her to, but it was a pleasant surprise. She's going on about a musical again.

I sit with her, waiting for Heather to enter the cafeteria. It's not like her to be this late. I pull out my phone to text and ask her where she is.

V: where r u? u ok?
H: called flemming a bitch and kicked ram in the dick, in detention for the rest of today
V: lmao what did he do
H: he was mean to u first period
V: who told u? Thx btw i was gonna snitch on him to u anyway
H: hes got a big mouth. meet me out front right after school, ill drive u home
V: thx bb
H: np

"Why are you smiling?" Martha says from across the table, "Texting Heather?" She says with a knowing smile.

I feel myself blush deeply. "Maybe..."

Martha smiles. "I gotta go to the library, I have some work to catch up on. See you."

"Bye," I say to her as I watch her leave. As I watch her exit, I notice that the other 2 Heathers are absent from their usual spot. Hopefully they're not in detention with my Heather, or else they might not leave alive.

I stir my mashed potatoes, making patterns in it and getting lost in my thoughts.

I don't know how long it's been, but soon enough I find my tray clattering to the floor.

"What's up, dyke?" Ram says from behind me. I flinch at the word. He sits to my left, and Kurt sits to my right. This is bad news.

"Isn't there a 'no fags allowed' rule around here?" Kurt says loudly.

Ram leans in front of me, "My buddy Kurt asked you a question,"

I don't know what overcomes me, probably Heather rubbing off on me, I respond, "Seems to have an open door policy for assholes though," it sounded really harsh and sassy in my head, but came out scratchy and I'm pretty sure my voice cracked.

The jocks lock eyes, a slightly surprised look on both of their faces. Before they could do anything, there was a familiar voice from behind us. "Is there a problem, gentlemen?"

Of all people, of course it had to be Jason Dean.

"The dick sucker of Westerburg. What'd you want?" Kurt says, standing.

Ram stands as well and puts his arm on Kurt's shoulder. "My buddy Kurt asked you a question."

JD frowns at them angrily. "Just wondering why you were bothering Veronica. Hope it's not about the whole 'lesbian' thing."

"Well what if it is?" Ram says, smirking.

"Because then I'd have to beat the living shit out of you both." JD smiles evilly. It's making me uncomfortable from here.

The jocks look at each other and laugh lightly. "As if," Kurt says.

In the blink of an eye, JD has Kurt in a headlock is is kneeing him in the face repeatedly. Ram tries to jump in and help, but JD kicked him in his already sore... area. Thanks, Heather.

Ram falls to the ground, clutching his privates. Kurt's nose is bleeding all over JD's pants.

"JD, stop!" I yell, standing up. Immediately, he stops, and seconds later drops Kurt to the floor. "What the hell, JD?! You could've killed him!"

He mumbles something, and we both watch as the goons hurry away. JD sighs and runs his hand through his hair. He smiles at me. "So, now that we're alone..."

"No chance in hell, perv," I spit at him. His eyes widen and a crooked smiles emerges on his face.

"I don't get it," he says loudly. "What does she have that I don't?"

"Tits." I reply nonchalantly. "And she's sane."

He laughs angrily, "What can I do to make you love me?! I'll do anything!"

I'm starting to get scared. "JD, nothing you can say will change my mind. I'm sorry I just don't like you like that."

"I swear, I'll make you change your mind. You will be mine, I promise baby."

Him calling me that sent shivers up my spine. He turns and walks away. I watch from a distance as Mrs Flemming walks up to him, trailed by Kurt and Ram. I can't help but smile as I watch him get dragged off.

I sigh. I know I'll be going in there soon and I'm going to have to defend Kurt and Ram for berating me if I want JD to get in trouble.

I can't wait for today to end.

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