Chapter 20 (Heather Chandler)

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I wake up and the first thing I feel is cold. Absolute, freezing cold. My bones feel more brittle and my blood feels thicker than it should. I don't even sit up for a long while; I just lay shivering on the floor of where ever I am.

Eventually, I slowly rise up, uncurling from the fetal position I had been in on the floor. I immediately regret it; it feels as if the cold is literally leeching and stealing all of the heat from my body in an instant. I bring my knees to my chest and wrap my arms tightly around them, trying to contain as much heat as I could.

Examining where I am, I'm surprised to see sunlight streaking in through cracks in the walls and ceiling. The gentle patter of a soft rain can be heard as well. I rub my hands together in front of my fave to keep warm.

Although my brain struggled to kickstart itself, I was now aware to realize what is happening. I'm in a shed of some sort, in the early morning. The rain in the freezing December temperatures must be what is making me so unbearably cold.

I slowly rise to my feet, feeling the warmth leave me in waves. I take steps towards the door, and once I'm there I pound on it as hard as I can. I'm screaming, kicking, punching; anything that could help me. The sudden motion of my body gets my blood pumping and I feel warmer, though my hands and feet remain mostly numb.

"JD! I'm going to fucking kill you! I swear to God, I'll--" The door suddenly swings open, standing ajar. I see JD there, standing menacingly in the chilling rain. A crooked smile makes its way onto his mouth as he stares at me, his hands in his pockets. 

"Hello, Red."

I don't remember starting to shake, but my hands are spazzing at my sides. My eyes well up with tears, but I refuse to let them fall. I have to stay strong for Veronica. I'm supposed to be the strong one-- I promised her I would protect her, and I still will. I clench my fists, steadying them. I take a deep breath and swallow hard, releasing the air slowly and calmly. "Jason Dean."

His smile falters. "You know I hate to be called that." I notice his hand move about in his pocket and my eyes flick towards it. He smiles again, noticing my gaze. "Oh, don't worry, Chandler, I won't kill you yet," he starts, removing a small blade from his pocket. "That would be boring."

My eyes widen and I grit my teeth. I'm terrified, but I know I can't let him know that. "Honestly, do you think that little letter opener is enough to scare me?" I spit at him.

His grin widens and his eyes appear less... human, I suppose, than before. "Of course not." He laughs as he throws open his coat like some sort of psychotic flasher, only to reveal that the entire inside of it is lined with tools. 

Handcuffs, ropes, chains, and knives of every sort decorated him as if he were a sadistic Christmas tree. The most eye-catching is the small, handheld bone saw near his left hip. I gulp and take a step back, only now feeling aware of a tight pressure on my ankle. I look down in dismay as I realize it's a cuff around my ankle, attached to the ground behind me.

"Now then," he says, and my eyes snap back towards him as he licks his lips, "Let's have some fun, shall we?"


I sit on the floor, panting heavily. JD stands, tucking the knife back into his jacket. "Well, that was exciting, wasn't it?" He smiles at me, a heavy blush on his face.

I sit up a little straighter and choke out, "S-Sadistic fucking twink-"

He retaliates with a hard kick to my stomach. I cough hard, trying to catch my breath. Bastard knocked the wind out of me. He squats back down to my level. Letting out a chuckle, he grabbed my hair. I whimper in protest, but he pulls it hard, earning a small scream from me. I look up and realized he had torn the scrunchie from my hair. "Looks like you won't you be needing this, huh, Red?"

I cough hard, trying to clear the blood from my throat before I retort. "Petty--"

"Are you sure you want to provoke me any more, Chandler?" He cuts me off, threateningly reaching his hand back to his jacket. My mouth snaps shut and I move my gaze to the floor. "That's what I thought," he continues, venom dripping off of his words. I could hear the smirk as he said it, too.

He stands, brushing his hands against his coat front as if to get the dust off of it that was never there. The only thing it accomplishes is smearing blood up and down his jacket more prominently than before. 

"I look forward to the next time we can hang out." He chuckles, heading to the door. 

"JD!" I try to shout, but it's no use. My voice is fucked. The door closes behind him with a loud slam.

I choke on my own voice and cough for a moment. The sun has set outside, and the gentle patter of rain has been replaced with the absolute silence of fresh snowfall. I peer through the cracks of the shed and see the fresh blanket of snow covering everything in sight. I sigh, which halfway through becomes a shiver. My body aches from cold, but at least it numbs the pain of what JD did. I decide to take this time to look over myself.

My head is fine, essentially. He cut the side of it with a blade, but he didn't do anything hard enough to cause even a headache; I guess he learned his lesson from what he did to Ronnie, that prick. I bring my hand to the slice on my face. It isn't deep, but it is long, stretching from my hairline to the base of my jawline. Upon taking my hand away from my face, I glance to see if there is blood on my fingers. Thankfully, there is barely any blood, but my wrists are covered with the telltale red lines of rope burn. I hadn't even noticed, but it must have been from when he had my arms bound.

I lift my shirt to examine my stomach and am met with a sickly reddish-purple mark covering my stomach. Fuck, he kicks hard. My legs are dotted with small slashes, along with some designs JD took it upon himself to carve into me. It makes me sick, thinking that these marks he's made will scar and stay with me for the rest of my life. 

I bring my knees to my chest and sigh again. I feel a cough rising in my chest, but I suppress it. I decide it's best to sit still like this until I pass out. I'm just so tired. I can't think straight anymore. I'm too cold, I hurt to much. I just need to sleep.

I'm so tired.


I'm awakened by the door to the shed slamming open loudly. I shriek, and I see JD's face in the doorway. My heart picks up speed and my eyes widen as I see his stupid face again. 

"Ah, morning, Red," he says with his toothbrush still in his mouth. I look at him in confusion and he smiles, tossing me a Ziploc bag of Goldfish and a Capri Sun. My mouth is hung slightly open in equal parts shock and confusion. "I can't have you dying on me, now can I?" he says, seeming to notice my bewilderment. "Now, eat. 'Ronica's coming over."

Before I can react, he slams the door behind him again. Shocked and overwhelmed, I look down at the snacks. Slowly, I begin to eat. Then faster, and faster still. I didn't realize how hungry I was until now. I finish and set the trash to the side of me, too exhausted to get up anyway. 

All I can do now is sit and wait. Giddy to see Veronica, however, waiting is hard. It seems like an eternity passes, but then I finally, finally hear her voice.

"Im going, JD! Just stop for like a second, jeez!"

The crunch of snow beneath feet stirs me and I rise to my feet. The door opens slowly this time, and standing there is Veronica, with JD hovering directly behind her.

Her eyes are wide with surprise, though I guess it would be surprising to see the one there to save you tied up like a dog in a freezing shed. Her hair is wild, though it appears she's tried finger-combing it while here. She has a large, white bandage plastered on her forehead where Duke hit her and small BandAids riddling her smaller-than-before figure. Despite the snow engulfing the earth around her, she wore only a baggy T-Shirt and basketball shorts with the drawstrings pulled tight. She also had plain, black rainboots on her feet. Her eyes remained full of perplexity as she looked at me.

"Veronica..." I say, emotion overcoming me. I try not to let my voice crack as I say it.

She takes a small step back and the disorientation plaguing her gaze turns to a combination of fear and aggression.

"Who are you?"

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