Epilouge - (Veronica)

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December 25, 2018
Dear Diary,

JD was incarcerated just over two weeks ago. Officer Christmas got off of his lazy ass for once and arrested someone-- two people, in fact. Martha's in jail too, awaiting trial. As much as it eats at me, I know that she deserves what ever she gets. She betrayed a lifetime of trust, but I don't think I'm able to yet. I still feel guilty for putting my best friend of 18 years behind bars, as crazy as it may sound.

Today isn't the day to think about that shit, though. It's currently just after 7 on Christmas morning. I convinced my parents to let Heather spend the night, so she's still upstairs in my bed. Now that I think about it, she sure as hell better put on clothes before she comes down stairs.

My thoughts are cut short when a pair of arms wrap around my neck and a set of warm lips plant themselves on my cheek. I grin and lean into the girl who I know is behind me. "Mornin', babe," I say before returning the kiss.

She only groans in response. Heather looks like she got hit by a bus-- she never has been a morning person. Her makeup, which she failed to remove, is still smeared from last night. Her hair sits in a rat's nest atop her head in a tangled blonde mop. Thankfully, she had the decency to put on a tank top and shorts (albeit not HER tank top and shorts).

I lay my diary down on the counter and guide her down to the bench I was sitting on only moments ago. I round the corner to retrieve Heather's brush from the bathroom to fix her hair for her (I love Heather's hair), but when I return, I find her nose buried in my diary. "Heather!" I whisper-shout, and she slams the book closed with a sudden jolt of energy. "You nosy bitch," I smile as I walk up to her.

She grins sheepishly and hands me my diary. "I didn't even find any of the juicy stuff yet," she play-whines. I smile and tuck it away in a drawer before positioning myself behind her and beginning to work on the labyrinth of tangles plaguing her hair.

"Merry Christmas," she says plainly as I glide a brush through a newly smoothed patch of hair. I notice her hand extend back towards me with a small box inside.

I wrap my hand around hers and push it back towards her. "Heather, I told you I didn't want anything!" I say with a laugh.

She stands up and whirls me around to seat me in the bench once more. Setting the box in my hand, she tugs at the ribbon around the box, causing it to fall slack. I look at her before lifting the lid of the tiny treasure chest, only to gasp in surprise. 

Inside lay a necklace made of gold with a small and ornate design etched into it, adorned with small jewels and gems my untrained eye can't discern. 

"Do you like it?" Heather questioned, her eyes swimming with uncertainty and excitement. I jump up and attach my lips to hers, snaking my arms around her waist. We finally pull away and Heather interjects, "I'll take that as a yes?"

I laugh and kiss her cheek. "Yes, you goof. I love it, are you kidding?" I said as I clasped the hook of the necklace behind my head. "I only wish I got you something this great. I guess I'm a terrible girlfriend."

Heather punches me gently in the shoulder. "I'll show you terrible girlfriend!" she exclaims as she picks me up over her shoulder. I shriek with laughter, and almost as soon as I found myself in the air, I find myself on the ground -- on the couch to be exact. Heather bursts out laughing at her self and says, "I don't need a present from you, you whore. Just your attention and shit. That means more to me than any object could," before sauntering back towards the kitchen.

"Cheesy much..." I mumble.

"What was that?!" Heather shouts before running back over to the couch with a smile plastered on her face.

"I'll make breakfast!" I shout as a reply as I hurry to the kitchen and get started on making pancakes, a Christmas specialty.

As I pour the completed batter onto the pan, I realize I haven't heard much out of Heather while cooking. I wander back to the couch and catch Heather tracing the scars on her legs with her fingertips. 

"He's never getting out." I say, startling Heather out of where ever her thoughts had been moments before. 

"Yeah, I know," she says, obviously still troubled. "I'll get over it. Eventually. Time heals all wounds, right?" her eyes lock onto mine as she asks, her eyes swollen with tears.

I smile sadly. "Yeah, time," I say. I make my way to her side of the couch and squat down. "And kisses!" I smile as I press my lips onto her legs. She smiles and wipes her tears.

"Thanks, Ronnie," she says, wiping her tears away with her wrist. "Also, I think I smell your pancakes burning."

I sigh and stand. "Merry Christmas to me," I say as I hurry to the kitchen as Heather laughs behind me.


holy shit.

i didnt know if I was going to write an epilouge but I felt like I had to. All done!! wowee. This chapter of my life is done and it feels weird. 

Next im doing a Lapidot story (Lapis human Peri alien AU), but IDK if i should drop lapidot but keep the story. Lapidot gets me more clicks but I feel like its cheap and i'll never grow as a writer if I only ever do fanfictions lmao. If you have an opinion let me know.

Be sure to vote, comment, and possibly sub if you like it that much! hope yall stick around!

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