Chapter 16 (Veronica)

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The handcuffs are back on. The blindfold is back on. Panic mode is back on.

JD had burst into the room so suddenly, the door handle popped a hole in the wall. I had started to scream before he pushed me back into the refrigerator handle, knocking me out cold (it didn't take much due to the fact I already had a concussion). I woke up bound by my wrists and with cloth covering my eyes.

Breathing has, over time, become substantially easier. The nose bleed stopped a while ago and the swelling is starting to subside. My head, however, is pounding still. The throbbing pain had been growing quieter, but the new head injury has caused it to rear its head. It hasn't been much worse than before, but now I'm getting occasional migraines, and the frequency at which they are occurring is worryingly on the incline.

Between the migraines and the constant throbbing of my head, moving has become to much of a hassle. At this point, I've been laying on my side on the floor for probably 10 minutes, listening to the rhythmic thumping of JD's stress-induced pacing. In a way, it's soothing to me; the reliable thudding is keeping me company, it seems. Content that I have something to keep my company, I focus harder on the vibrations echoing through the floor.

They stop suddenly, and again I am alone. My heart drops and my breathing picks up as I hear them again, this time approaching the door. I hear the gentle creaking of the door hinges as JD opens the door. I feel his presence  he comes in to sit beside me. My breathing picks up as well as my heart rate.

"That sure was stupid, Ronnie." I can hear the smirk in his voice and I swallow hard. "I didn't even have to set the trap— you did it for me."

I fight the strong urge to vomit. Was this his plan all along? Use me to get to Heather and... kill her? The thought of me being responsible for Heather dying tips me over the edge and I vomit on the floor, hopefully onto JD as well. The nauseating aroma of bile wafts all around the closet and prompts me to dry heave. My head aches like someone inside my brain is trying to chisel out with a chainsaw, and I cry in pain.

"That's fucking disgusting," JD sneers. I listen to the jingling of chains as he hurries to untie me from the wall. He grabs the chain firmly tugs me out of the closet, into what I can only assume is the bathroom.

Still blindfolded, I hear the click of a gun and the feeling of its cold muzzle on my face. "Try anything and you're gone." He proceeds to unlock the handcuffs and toss some clean cloths at me. I undress, pretending that since I can't see JD, he can't see me. I slip on what feels like an oversized t-shirt and basketball shorts.

"Turn around," he commands. I oblige, and the creepy hairs of the handcuffs tickle my wrists. I hear the click of a padlock, and the chain goes slack. He's locked me in the bathroom.

"I'm going to clean up your mess," he says. "And afterwards you are going to repay me." Sexual tension is dripping from his voice and my persistent nausea returns full force. I resist the urge to empty my stomach and I hear JD prop a chair against the door.

Immediately, I get to work.

I slide my arms under my butt and legs, bringing them to my front. I begin to claw at the tape holding the blindfold on, only scraping off enough to peel the cloth from my eyes, leaving the rest stuck in my hair.

The moment my eyes were free, I felt like a god damn vampire. The light shining through the only window of his bathroom felt like it was worming its way through my eyes and straight to my brain. I whimper in surprise and agony before drawing the curtains quickly. With my eyes functioning again, I examen the bathroom.

Focusing on one thing for too long is, for some reason, making me feel claustrophobic and nauseous, so I only get quick glances around the room. I realize that I'm attached to the shower curtain rod, which appears to be the kind you can just pull of the wall.

One sturdy jerk and a stubbed toe later and I'm free to move around the bathroom. I haul the chain onto my shoulder so JD doesn't hear them sliding around.

I move to the small basement window and try to open it. I slip the bar locking it free of the lock itself and the window creaks open. I smile to myself and climb up on the toilet but am suddenly overcome with a dizzy sensation. Just then, the door opens, and JD steps in.

"What the FUCK is this?!" He shouts angrily. I slip and fall, but JD catches me.

I stutter to him, "I-I think I-I should go-to the h-hospital." I shiver as he sets me on the floor, the cold tile clashing with my thighs.

I think JD is talking to me, but the ringing in my ears has gotten to loud to hear him. Darkness creeps in from the sides of my vision until all I can see is JD's panicked face.

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