Chapter Seven

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Gabriel's POV
After I got Castiel some food. He started talking with Sam. I smiled. Then Charlie walked through the doors. "CASTIEL NOVAK"she yelled when she saw him. He froze and looked at me. I waved. He shook his head. "Hey Charlie "he smiled. She shook her head.

He let out a sigh and stared running. She started running after him.

Dean's POV
I was opening the kitchen door to ask Gabriel a question when suddenly I'm on the ground. "Oh my god"I see Castiel. On top of me. He gave me a nervous smile. "Hi"he whispered. I nodded. He got off me and helped me up. "I'm so so sorry"he said. I shrugged. "It's fine. I usually fall at some point during the day"I smiled. He laughed.

Just then Charlie tackled me. I was on the ground again. I groaned in pain. "Oh. Uh. Sorry dean"she said. And walked away. I nodded. "Ok"I whispered. Castiel helped me up again. "Jeez. That looks really painful "he said. I nodded. "I can't feel my back"I said. " sounds like a good idea"he said. I nodded.

Gabriel's POV
"So have you dated anyone. At all?"he asked. "I thought I talked to you about this already"I said. He shrugged. "Come on. "He said. "Ok. I had this girlfriend for a while. But she cheated on me. With a friend of mine"I said. "Wow. That's cold. "He said.

"Apparently I didn't pay attention to her. "I said. "I'm sorry dude"he whispered. "It was a while ago. I've moved on. I'm over it"I said. He nodded.

Just then Lucifer walked in. Sam turned around and gave him a look. "Gabriel. Heard little brother is in town. Where is he?"he asked. I shook my head. "He canceled again. Didn't make it"I said. Lucifer gave me a look.

"You lying to me brother. You know what happened last time"he said. I closed my eyes and remembered the hospital room. I opened them back up. "Listen. You need to leave"Sam said. "Oh. And why should I. I'm here for my money "Lucifer said. Sam gave him a look.

"You don't need money from Gabriel. Work for it. Get off your ass and do it. "Sam said. Lucifer gave him a straight face. "You think your tough. Sticking up for Gabe over there. "He said. Sam didn't flinch. "Heh. Fine. I'll go. Just pray this guy is always here for you Gabriel. Cause when he isn't. I'm gonna kill you. "Lucifer said walking away. And left

"Why did you do that ?"I asked. "I helped "Sam argued. "No. You didn't you made this whole thing worse "I said. He gave me a look. "Sorry for helping you. "He said in a sarcastic tone. I rolled my eyes. "You don't get it. I don't care about me. I care about Charlie and dean. Castiel. And you. Lucifer can shoot me in the brain with all I care. But I don't want you guys hurt. He's my problem. And you don't need to help"I said.

He looked down. "Promise me you will leave it alone. "I said. He said nothing. "Sam"I said. He gave me a look. "I can't make a promise I won't fulfill. "He said. I looked down. "But I did promise you. Dean. Charlie and now Castiel. They won't get hurt. Ever. Not while I'm here "he said.

"What happens when you leave?"I asked. "..."he didn't answer. "Charlie don't show him that"we heard dean yell. I shook my head. "What. He needs to get back at his ex"we heard Charlie say. I let out a sigh. "CHARLIE PUT THE NUKE DOWN"dean screamed. We heard a chainsaw. Again. "HOW DID YOU PUT ALL THAT ON A CHAINSAW "dean yelled again. I just stood there.

Costumers stared looking at one another. "DEAN THIS IS A NORMAL REACTION "Charlie screamed. "NO A NORMAL REACTION IS BUYING THE GUY FOOD AND MAKING HIM FEEL BETTER. NOT KILLING THE EX"dean yelled. I shook my head. Sam just stood there.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THEE WEAPONS. SOME ARE VERY ILLEGAL "Castiel screamed. "EBAY"Charlie screamed. I looked at the people. "Everyone who heard all that. Gets a free muffin. "I said. They just nodded. "And I'm sorry for the therapy for some"I apologize. "Does that happen a lot?"Sam asked. I shrugged.

"We sometimes get therapy bills. "I said. He nodded. "Jesus Christ "he whispered. I nodded.

"Welcome to Heaven and Hell"I winked.

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