Chapter nine

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Gabriel's POV

God that window is bothering me. I'm at the counter just staring at it. We haven't had a lot of costumers cause of the fair starting. But we expected it. We really did. Sam was hanging with dean in the kitchen. I was waiting for Charlie to show up with this mystery girl and Cassie. I smiled at the thought of Cassie and dean actually ending up together. My plan should work.

Just then the door opened and I see Charlie,Cassie and he Mystery girl. I smiled. "Damn that window is just. "She didn't finish. I nodded. "Hi. I'm Dorothy"the girl said. "Gabriel "I said. She smiled. "So your the lady stealing Charlie's heart"I said. She giggled. "More like she's stealing my heart "she winked. I laughed. "You got a keeper Charlie "I said. The red head smiled.

"Cassie how was sleep?"I asked. Knowing the answer. "Jerk"he whispered. He shook his head. I smirked. "So. You and Sammy ready for your fair date?"Charlie asked. "Actually. We are hanging with you guys"I said. She gave me a look. And slapped me. "Charlie "Dorothy said. Cassie held her back. And whispered something. Probably a warning. I gave Charlie a confused look. "You listen. You are not hanging out with us. Cause me and Dorothy are ditching Dean and Castiel at any point in time. And we will make sure you two get ditched first. Understand?"she asked. I nodded. She nodded back.

"Wow"Castiel and Dorothy said. Charlie smiled. "I'm a scary person"she laughed and walked to the kitchen. "Ok. So is he kitchen a hangout spot or something?"Castiel asked. I shrugged. "Yeah. Cause dean isn't allowed in my office "I said. "Why?"he asked. I shook my head. "He knows what he did"I said. Dorothy laughed and Castiel just shook his head. "I heard my name. And Charlie kicked me out of the kitchen "dean said.

"Oh. This is the famous Dean Winchester "Dorothy said. Dean winked. "Relax lover boy. I'm with Charlie"she winked back. Dena laughed. "Hey Cas"dean said. Castiel waved. "Cas?"I asked.  "You call him Cassie. I heard Charlie call him Cassie. I can give him a new nickname "dean defended himself. I laughed. "At least his sounds like a dudes name"Castiel said. "But I like the nickname Cassie"I whined. "You call him that. I call him Cas"Dean smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I'm turn to take over. Go flirt with my brother"Dean mocked. I looked down. "I think I'll hang out in my office "I said. Everyone looked at me. "That's doesn't sound like you. And I don't even know you"Dorothy said. I shrugged. "Gabriel are you ok. Are you sick. "Castiel asked. All worried. I shook my head. "No. It's just. "I froze. I didn't know what to say. "He asked me to stop flirting with him"I lied. "Really?"Dean and Castiel asked. I nodded.

"And you. Gabriel who doesn't listen to me. Of anyone in life. Listened?"Castiel asked. I nodded. "So what. I can listen when I want "I crossed my arms. They both gave me a look. Dorothy just stood there. "Why did Charlie leave me?"she whispered. "Wow. You must really like him"Castiel smiled. I shook my head. "I don't. I'm just respecting his wishes"I defend myself. Crap. Should not have said that. "Hahahah"Dean laughed. "You never ever. Respect people. What's going on with you?"he asked.

"Nothing. Just not gonna waste my time flirting with someone who's just gonna leave anyway "I said. "There it is"Dorothy laughed. I gave her a look. "What. I'm dating Charlie. What do you expect?"she asked. I nodded. "Gabe. What are you talking about?"Castiel asked. Dean looked down. "Sam's visiting. Not staying. And the only reason he came to visit now is because he will never get a chance to do it again. "Dean said.

"Why?"Castiel and Dorothy both asked. "Cause his stupid job. That he can't see it's ruining his life"he said. I patted his back. "Whatever. Just take your damn break"Dena told me. I nodded. I walked to my office and closed he door.

Few hours later

After he last costumer it was finally closing time. Thank god. "GUYS. CLOSING TIME. LETS GO"I yelled. Everyone walked out of the kitchen. Sam was last. "Ready to go?"Dorothy asked. Everyone nodded. We got into two cars. There was a war for who Castiel was gonna drive with. Charlie wanted him with them. And I wanted him with us. Finally after explaining the whole Dean and him deal. She practically pushed Cassie in the car. It was pretty funny.

And somehow. I talked dean into letting me drive. While he was in the back with Cassie. After a lot of pleading. He finally said ok. And we drove off. "Why couldn't we all take Dorothy's car. It's a truck that would fit all of us"Castiel said. I smiled. "Dean. Wanna answer?"I asked. "I'm not leaving Baby at Heaven and Hell. "He said. I laughed.

After a twenty minute drive. We finally got there. "This is nice. A lot bigger then last year?"I said. Dean nodded. "Yeah this is nice"Sam said. I didn't look at him. "The rides dorm look safe"Cassie said. I smiled. "Your going on at least one"Dean said. I nodded. "Why?"Castiel asked. "Cause it will be fun"Dena answered. Castiel didn't say anything.

After we found Charlie and Dorothy. We went in. "So. Me and Dorothy are going. See ya guys later"Charlie ran off. Holding Dorothy's hand. "That's also why we didn't take one car"I looked at Castiel. "They would've left us. "I finished. He nodded. After walking around the booths we got to the rides. "What do you guys want to do first?"I asked. They shrugged.

"How about the Ferris wheel?"Sam asked. I shrugged. "Um...."Castiel froze. Dena patted his back. "It just goes in circles "he said. Castiel gave him a look. "What's the point?"he asked dean. I laughed. "I don't know. Let's go"he grabbed Castiel's hand and they walked to the line. M and Sam behind them. When it was out turn to get on. Castiel freaked out and just went to the side. "I'll be here"he smiled. Dean let out a sigh. "We'll be here. "He said. I mouthed thanks. Then it started. It was just me and Sam.

"..."I didn't know what to say. I didn't speak to him all day.

"Why didn't you talk to me today?"he asked. Crap.

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