Chapter twelve

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Gabriel's POV
I woke up to Sam whimpering. I got up. "No. No"he whispered. I walked towards him. And put my hands on his shoulders. "No. Stop. Please. "He whispered again. The same words over and over again. "Sam"I said quietly. He didn't wake up. "No.No. Stop "he cried.

He shook his head. "No. Stop. Please."he cried again. "Sam"I said. He shook his head again. "Sam wake up"I said. Then he started to calm down. He even smiled. I let out a sigh of relief. I caressed his cheek. He smiled more to the touch. At least I think.

I backed up. He was officially calm. I nodded. I definitely deserved a high five. I looked up at the hallway and saw Dean. He just stared at me. I raised an eyebrow. "Dean?"I questioned. He kept staring. I started to feel uncomfortable. He started walking towards me. "Woah Dean. "I backed up.

"You aren't gonna try to make out with me. Right?"I asked. He shook his head. I shrugged. "Wouldn't disagree with it"I muttered. He raised an eyebrow. "What?"he asked. "Nothing"I said quickly. He shook his head and looked at Sam. "He always wakes up. I can never get him to calm down. How did you do it?"he asked.

"I kept saying Sam. And wake up"I shrugged. "I always do that. "He whispered. I shrugged. "Whatever. So sleeping with my brother yet?"I asked. "Oh my god"he looked at me. I put my hands up. "What. I ship it"I said. "You are a terrible person"he told me. "Just a minute ago you wanted to make out with me"I reminded him.

"No. You said it. I was never gonna do it. You aren't my type"he said. "But my brother is?"I questioned. He smirked. "..."he winked. "Gross"I said. He softly chuckled. "Goodnight Gabriel "he said walking back to his room. "Goodnight Dean. Don't do it on my bed. All I ask. Cause I will do it with Sam in yours. "I said. "Like he would agree "he laughed.

I looked at Sam. "I would have to pay him twenty bucks"I muttered. I shook my head and went back to sleep.

Time skip

I woke up to the blanket being pulled away. I opened my eyes to see Sam. Smiling at me. All dressed. "Sam?"I asked. "Me. You. Date. "He said. I raised an eyebrow. "Really?"I asked. Sitting up a little. "Yes. You are right. Maybe a few dates. Wouldn't hurt. "He smiled.

"You ok?"I asked. "I'm awesome. "He said. I nodded. "You take my happy pills or something?"I asked. "You have happy pills?"he asked. My eyes widen. "No. "I said. "Ok. Anyway. Get dressed"he through the blanket at my face. I pulled it off my face and smiled to myself. "Heh"I chuckled.

I got up and walked to my room. I knocked. No one answered. I opened it. And didn't see Castiel. I was confused. I got dressed and walked to dean's room. Much to my mind saying knock first. I just opened the door. And I didn't see anything. Other then Castiel on the bed. With all clothes on. I nodded.

Then dean walked out of his bathroom. And stared at me. "Hi"he said. I pointed to Castiel. "I can explain that"he smiled nervously. I motioned for him to move on. He nodded.

Memory in Dean's POV

I walked back to my room. And fell asleep for a few minutes only to be woken up again. By my door opening. I sat up and saw Castiel. "Cas?"I asked. He looked down. "What's wrong?"I asked. "I had a nightmare "he whispered. Clearly embarrassed. I moved to the end of the bed.

"Come here"I said. He walked closer. "Close your eyes "I said. He did. "What do you see?"I asked. "Darkness "he said. I chuckled. "And do you see anything in that darkness?"I asked. He shook his head. I nodded. "Now. Focus on remembering that. "I said. "Dean i don't understand how this is gonna help"he said.

"Quiet. And just do it"I said. He nodded. "Ok. Now remember that every time you have a nightmare. That it can turn back into that nothing. But imagine any voice. Telling you to remember as well"I said. He nodded. "Ok. I guess I understand "he muttered. I nodded. He looked down. 

Like he knew he had to go back to Gabriel's room. "You can stay in here. If you want?"I said. He looked up. "If that's alright. "He said. I nodded. I moved back to my side. He just stood there. "You can go on the other side of the bed"I said. He nodded. He slowly walked to the other side. And layed down. I smiled to myself.

"Goodnight dean"he said softly. "Night Cas"I said back.

End of memory back to Gabriel's POV

"So. He had a nightmare. And you let him sleep in your bed?"I asked. He nodded. "Yeah. There a problem?"he asked. I shook my head. "Hey. You know what's up with your brother?"I asked. "I just woke up a few minutes ago. Why?"he asked.

"Cause I woke up. To him standing above me. All dressed. Asking me on a date. Not even asking. Telling me"I told him. Dean raised an eyebrow. "That's bad?"he questioned. I shrugged. "Well. Not really. Just confusing. I mean. I had to practically beg him for dates at the fair. "I said. He nodded.

"I don't know. "He shrugged. I took a deep breath. "Whatever. I agreed. Just wanted to know where my brother was"I said. "Ok. "He said. "See ya later"I said walked out of his room. I walked back to mine and got dressed.

I heard my phone buzz.

"Hello "I answered.

"Please tell me you slept with someone. "Charlie said. I raised an eyebrow. "No"I said. I heard her scream. "Thanks for making my right ear deaf. "I said. "Not important. Why didn't you sleep with him?"she asked. "Because I didn't have a free bed to do so. And it wasn't even a thought "I said.

"There's a couch. Car. "She paused. "Shower". "Charlie "I said. "Anyway. What are you guys doing today?"she asked. "I have a date with Sam "I said. There was silence. Then a thund. "Charlie?"I questioned.

"Hello"I said. There was no answer. I was now in the kitchen. "Charlie "I said again. Sam turned to look at me. "You talking to Charlie?"he asked. "I thought I was"I said. "Charlie "I said a bit louder. "Gabriel"Dorothy said. "Yeah"I answered. "Um. Charlie just left with a metal bat"she said. "Why?"I asked. "I don't know. She just kissed me and said I need to take care of something "she said.

"Ok. Thanks. We'll be fine. It's gonna take her a while to get here"I said. There was a knock at the door. "Sam"I pointed to the door. He nodded and went it go answer it. "No problem. That girl worries me sometimes "she said. "Don't worry. You will learn to love her about it"I said. "Ok bye "she said. "Bye"I hung up.

"GABRIEL "Sam yelled. I walked to the living room. "What?"I asked. I saw Charlie standing with a baseball bat. Sam standing a few feet away. "So. Sam asked you on a date. And you just decide to tell me when I call you?"she asked. "Jesus Charlie "I whispered.

I heard Castiel and Dean. They froze when they saw Charlie. "Um..."dean looked at me. "They slept in the same bed"I pointed out. Charlie gave dean a look. A 'you are next' look. "Um....Cas I forgot to show you something cool. Let's go back to a room that has a lock"dean grabbed Castiel's hand. "Traitors"I muttered.

"So. You two"She pointed to us. "Next time there is a problem. I will use this bat on you guys. Understood"she asked. We both nodded. "Good. Now excuse me while I go talk to destiel "she walked to dean's room.

I looked at Sam. "Ready to leave?"i asked. "Yeah. Let's go"he said quickly. "I got the keys"I said. We left right away.

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