Chapter 2

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Jungkook's POV

I hope she doesn't get any weird ideas. I was just staring at her because of my friends, I thought.

A few minutes ago...

"Hey, how about we make a bet, playboy?" Jimin said, smirking.

"Sure," I said, smiling. He knew he was so sure of getting any girl's heart.

"Okay, how about this one? You have to make her like you and make her heart flutter so much that she changes to a girly girl within a week," Jimin said, pointing at Erica and smiling evilly.

"And what if I don't?" I said.

"Then you have to apologize to all the girls you ever dated and tell the whole school that I'm better than you," Jimin said. He had always been jealous of Jungkook's popularity, and he wanted to see him suffer socially.

I thought for a while and then said, "Deal". I stared at Erica for a bit, and said, "I could get her heart within a week!"

"Okay, fine, a week then," Jimin said.

Then lunch ended, and everybody headed back to class.

Erica's POV

Yay, it's my favorite class! Music class! But sadly Jisoo isn't in this class, I said to myself.

When I got there I felt confused. Everybody was in partners but at the corner of my eye, I saw girls crowding up Jungkook and rolled my eyes. I moved to my seat that was sadly next to him. Jungkook then looked at me and asked, "Wanna be my partner?"

"Um, I think I'll go with Taehyung," Erica said leaving him.

Jungkook's POV

Ugh, I need to win this bet. I can't apologize to all the girls! I thought to himself.

After a while the teacher came in, and announced, "Everybody, listen up! We have a project to do and you guys have to sing together but we're going to be switching it up, so I need you guys to be with the people you sit next to!" She added, "You have a few days."

Everybody groaned and left to their original seats. Yes I get to work with Erica! I thought. But Erica was so unhappy about this arrangement that she was quiet after somebody spoke. "So what song do you want to do?" I asked.

Erica just shrugged and turned around before he talked again. "Should I come over today so that we can practice?" I said.

But Erica just said sure with a grossed out tone. "So I think we should sing We Don't Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez," Erica suggested, trying to be optimistic.

"Sure and you look cute whenever you smile like that. You should smile more often," I said smiling widely at Erica.

Erica's smile disappeared after he said that, and Jungkook just laughed.


"So you wanna go now?" I asked, walking up to Erica.

"Um, I guess?" Erica said, starting to speed walk.

"Great, let's go!" I said, grabbing Erica's hand.

Erica stopped and said, "Hey what's wrong with you? I don't want to be one of your played girlfriends!" Erica pulled her hand out of Jungkook's and shook it.

"Oh sorry, I was just excited," Jungkook said, shrugging and feeling a little bit like an idiot. But he still knew he was going to get her.

After Erica and Jungkook walked, they got to Erica's house and went up to her room. Erica was glad that Namjoon wasn't here or else he would've been asking questions. "Okay can I hear your singing first?" I asked.

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