Chapter 3

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Tzuyu's POV

I went to the music room as told and it was dark for a while until light shined upon him. It was Jungkook confessing to me? Tzuyu thought

"So will you go out with me?" Jungkook said giving Tzuyu a rose

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"So will you go out with me?" Jungkook said giving Tzuyu a rose.

"Yes!" Tzuyu said grabbing the rose

"Great let's go!" Jungkook said as he ran outside the room

Third Persons POV

"Omg is that Jungkook and Tzuyu together?" Jackson said

"Hey that is them!" Jb said with a shocked face

Tzuyu and Jungkook began dating for 1-2 months. Tzuyu then found out that he was a playboy and it made her heart break. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you! I wa-" Jungkook said but got cut off by Tzuyu

"I think we should break up," Tzuyu said as her voice started to crack and tears formed in her eyes. She quickly ran as fast as she could running away from Jungkook and since then its been awkward with Jungkook and Tzuyu.

*End of Flashback*

"Tzuyu!" Chloe said as she shook Tzuyu

"Huh what happened?" Tzuyu said as she started hearing the bell ring.

"Omg I gotta go to class bye Tzuyu!" Chloe said as she left Tzuyu behind.


Music class began and Erica ran as sat down at her seat. "You were almost late, don't ever be late again or else detention!" The music teacher said to Erica loudly

"Ok sorry" Erica said as she kept bowing

Jungkook came in and saw Erica, so he sat next to her and asked "So did you practice yet?"

"Oh sorry no, I didn't have time," Erica said feeling apologetic

"Oh no it's okay, it's only been a day," Jungkook said

"So is it okay if I come over to your house today too?" Jungkook asked

"Uh sure I guess but my brother will be home today so be careful he's a bit overprotective," Erica said to Jungkook

"It's okay I've got one too," Jungkook laughed


"Okay well lets go!" Jungkook said to Erica as she waved goodbye to her friends

"Okay let's go!" Erica said

Meanwhile, at the other side with Jisoo and the others. "It's okay you'll get her next time" Jisoo said

"But I want her to know that I like her but I'm just to afraid," Jinyoung said with a worried face

"Don't worry we're starting things up slowly," Taehyung said

After Erica came home with Jungkook, Namjoon quickly ran to the door and started to ask questions to Jungkook. "Who are you and why did you walk home with my baby sister? Are you a friend or more?" Namjoon asked questionly.

"HEY, he's just a friend and I'm not a baby anymore!" Erica yelled to Namjoon

"Okay baby Erica sorry for disturbing you. Do you need a nap?" Namjoon said laughing

"Hey!" Erica said hitting Namjoon's arm

"Okay sorry kids go on," Namjoon said going into his room

"Sorry for that now lets go!" Erica said

After a few hours of practicing, Jungkook left. "Aish I gotta hurry up and ask her out!" Jungkook said to himself


The next day, Erica quickly woke up and got ready. She wore an oversized black t-shirt with some ripped jeans and black Converse to complete the look. After Namjoon dropped Erica off, she saw her friends and went to them but didn't see Jinyoung. Oh well. Erica thought, but she went to class and after a few minutes she saw Jinyoung appear and was happy for a bit.

It was lunch and Erica was starving again but she saw no one at the table she wondered why but still sat there alone until Jungkook sat down, "Hey so do you want to go to the carnival with me?" Jungkook asked looking at Erica

"Sorry no I would but I don't want to," Erica said avoiding his gaze

"Why not? It'll be fun," Jungkook pleaded

"Because I'm not like other girls who fall for you and date you but end up being heart broken" Erica said

"Oh come on, please!" Jungkook said pleading so much but yet it didn't get her attention.

"Maybe never Jungkook and you must know that I will never go on a date with you or ever date you," Erica said leaving. Jungkook got fustrated and grabbed Erica's wrist hard and led her to a dark room. "Hey let me go!" Erica said sounding annoyed.

"No I will make you go to the carnival with me!" Jungkook said as he got closer and was about to kiss her when she stepped on his foot, pushed him and got out.

"Boys need to know when to stop especially you!" Erica said as she started to run

During music class, Erica ignored Jungkook even though she was partners with him as much as he tried she didn't want to speak to him. "Just hear me out please, I was getting fustrated I just need you to go to the amusement park with me," Jungkook said sounding sad

"Why? There are other girls besides me that wants to go out with you so why won't you ask them?" Erica said rolling her eyes

"Because I like you!" Jungkook shouted loud enough for the whole class to hear.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Please leave a vote and comment!

End of Chapter 3

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