Chapter 12

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Until she saw Rosé, her childhood friend that moved away. She was also friends with Taehyung and is friends with Jisoo. (A/N: Rosé was childhood friends with Erica and Taehyung because he was also a childhood friend. Keep that in mind. And Rosé is friends with Jisoo because well their in the same group so might as well :) "Erica?" Rosé said with surprisement

"Omg Rosé!" Erica said happily

"Erica! How long has it been? I missed you!" Rosé said happily

"I missed you too! Do you still keep in touch with Taehyung?" Erica asked as she pulled away from hugging her. "Oh no, I lost contact with him after middle school. How's he doing by the way?" Rosé asked

"Oh he's doing fine," Erica said

"So any news about Jungkook?" Rosé asked

"Well- wait how do you know about me and Jungkook?" Erica asked

"Well no duhh, I'm also friends with Jisoo." Rosé said leaving Erica surprised

"Oh well- wait what?! She told you about Jungkook! I'm going to kill her." Erica said while Rosé was laughing

Erica and Rosé went to a cafe to talk and catch up. "Wow! Jungkook?! Jinyoung?!" Rosé said shocked

Erica nodded and said, "To be honest I think Jinyoung has a crush on me but I don't know for sure."

"Gurrl look at you, you changed your looks. What happened to you? Why'd you changed? Why now? When we were little you used to be such a tomboy that every time I tried to make you wear a dress you would always hit me and yell." Rosé said

Erica simply replied, "I just thought I would have a change now."

"Are you done with your coffee? I want you to go meet two other girls." Rosé said finishing her coffee

Erica nodded and the two left the cafe and went to Rosé's house (aka blackpink's house). When they got to the house, Rosé yelled, "Jennie! Lisa! Come out!"

Jennie and Lisa came out in the living room going to Erica. "Is this Erica? Is this the one you amd Jisoo were talking about? She's so pretty!" They both bombed questions

"Hi?" Erica said

"Oh hi I'm Jennie and this is Lisa. You probably already know Jisoo and Rosé but I hope we'll feel like family to you!" Jennie said smiling

"Oh thanks! I hope so too!" Erica said as she was being pulled into Rosé's room. "Hey did you know about Jisoo?" Rosé asked

"What about Jisoo?" Erica said worriedly

"You haven't heard? Jisoo is moving in about one or two weeks." Rosé said

"WHAT?! She can't leave me! What the hell am I suppose to do without her? Wait, your staying right?" Erica said worriedly and hoping

"Actually no, sorry us three are only staying like maybe 3-4 weeks." Rosé said feeling guilty and sad

"But you just got here. I need you girls." Erica said tearing up a bit

"You've got Taehyung, Youngjae, and Jinyoung don't you?" Rosé said

"Yes but I can't talk to Taehyung and Youngjae about my boy problems and I espicially can't talk to Jinyoung about my boy problems when it includes him and Jungkook." Erica said sadly

"Oh don't worry, I'm sure you can make it without us." Rosé said trying to cheer Erica up. "Why are you guys going anyway?" Erica said

"We're going to become trainees at YG." Rosé said leaving Erica shocked

"YG?! Seriously one of the biggest companies?!" Erica said shouting while Rosé nodded


"WHAT?! You're moving?! When? Why?" Taehyung, Youngjae, and Jinyoung said bombing Jisoo with questions.

"I'm moving in a week or two." Jisoo said as she ate her froyo

"Why?!" Taehyung said

"To become a trainee of course!" Jisoo said

"Ohhhhh trainee," Youngjae said knowing what she meant

"What do you mean by 'ohhh trainee'?" Taehyung said

"Well Jinyoung and I are also going to be trainees but at JYP!" Youngjae said while Jinyoung nudged him

"Hey you weren't supposed to say anything yet!" Jinyoung said

"You all already auditioned?!" Taehyung said

They all nodded, while Taehyung said, "Oh yeah well I also auditioned and got in!"

"What?! Where?! SM?" They all asked

"At bighit, with some other 6 boys." Taehyung said disappointed as he didn't get to audition with a friend like Youngjae and Jinyoung. (Taehyung doesn't know he's going to be in a boy group with Jungkook, Jimin, or Namjoon yet). "When are you guys leaving?" Jinyoung asked

"I think for me in a few weeks or months." Taehyung said sadly

"Us too," Youngjae and Jinyoung said

"I can't believe you're leaving in a week!" Taehyung said

"I know but Erica doesn't know yet, so we can't tell her. Okay?" Jisoo said as they were walking home.

Jisoo and the others got to Erica's house (A/N: They got the key because she knows where it's at. Okay? So their not breaking in or anything). Erica came walking in the living room angrily as she yelled, "KIM JISOO HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME YOU WERE LEAVING IN A WEEK?!"

Jisoo was surprised at what she said and said, "How did you know?"

"Rosé told me!" Erica said

"Damn you Rosé," Jisoo whispered

"Okay well it's not just me, it's also Taehyung, Youngjae, and Jinyoung." Jisoo said as Erica was tearing up

"Wait so you guys are all gonna leave me?" Erica said as her tears rolled down.

A/N: This was not going as I planned! So I might discontinue this and make new fanfictions. Them being trainees wasn't going as I planned but I needed like a plot twist so yeah... I actually don't think Erica will become a trainee. I also have about 8 or 9 fanfictions planned so Imma try and hurry up with these chapters! Also I am going to start making sad and heartbreaking imagines of bts or astro or any other fanfictions planned!

✋End of Chapter 12✋

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