Chapter 15

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He was just looking at my lips and eyes, and well me, well I was just blinking scares for what was happening next! He started leaning closer and closer. He was so close to kissing my lips but I quickly got up and said, "I think I'll go to my room now. You and the others can just sleep out here."

I was about to go up the stairs when Jinyoung grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall. "Why do you keep doing stuff that make me want to do stuff to you? Why do you keep being hot and making me want to kiss you so badly?" Jinyoung said smirking and getting closer

(A/N: I'm sorry I don't think like that with Jinyoung. It's just he got a new look and change of attitude so.....)

I'm so scared! What ever happened to the cute and innocent Jinyoung I met? Erica thought

Jinyoung got closer and closer to me and he kissed me lips! Trying to make it passionate but I was just refusing until I gave up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he started going down to my neck making me moan a bit. "Oh so you like that?" Jinyoung whispered

After him saying that quickly made me pull away from him. "Where you going baby?" Jinyoung said

I was confused and mad, I quickly walked up to him and slapped the living shit out of him!!! "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Jinyoung yelled making everyone wake up

"What the hell happen to that sweet and innocent boy that I met? What did you do to him? I hate the new you!!! I miss the old Jinyoung..." I said whispering that last sentence

I quickly noticed that I was crying and everybody woke up looking at me. I quickly started running up the stairs. "Erica it's still me." Jinyoung said grabbing my wrist

I quickly pulled my hand out and said, "No I don't think it is." I ran up to my room crying about what just happened. Why am I crying you ask? Well it's just that I can't take this shit anymore and I miss the old Jinyoung where he wasn't weird and we were just friends. But now look at him. He's just saying and doing weird stuff to me and that makes me uncomfortable.

I cried myself to sleep and I also decided not to tell Jungkook because even though what Jinyoung did was wrong I don't want him to get hit.

Third Person's POV


"You did what?!!!!!" Jisoo said yelling at Jinyoung

"I'm sorry! I couldn't control myself!" Jinyoung said

"PARK JINYOUNG I WILL SERIOUSLY KILL YOU!!!! We told you to hold on but noooo you just had to go and make it weird and uncomfortable with you and Erica!!!!!" Jisoo said punching and kicking him for what he did

"Jisoo stop!" Taehyung said and Jisoo stopped and went by his side

"I will fucking beat your ass up if you do that weird piece of shit to my friend again! You know how it makes her disgusted and uncomfortable!" Jisoo yelled angrily and glared at him. Giving him a 'I will kill you' look.

(A/N: Dayuuum Jisoo you go! Haha okay sorry for interrupting)

"OKAY I get you guys! But I couldn't control myself!" Jinyoung said feeling apologetic

They all sat down (except for Erica of course) and started talking about what Jinyoung did. Jinyoung told them everything and how she told him that he changed.

A/N: OML I did not think I would have that idea for this chapter! I'm sorry innocent readers! I started hating Jinyoung in here for what he did. 😂 I was like you tell him Jisoo! Anyway, I might be doing lots of heartbreaking or sad chapters mainly because I love them!

✋End of Chapter 15✋

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