Chapter 13

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"Look Erica we're so sorry, but we were-" Taehyung said as he tried comforting her.

"Don't be sorry, I mean I am sad but I'm also happy for you guys. But I don't want to be alone!" Erica said cutting Taehyung off

"Your not going to be alone, Jinyoung is staying for 2 weeks." Jisoo said looking at Jinyoung. She gave him the 'say yes' look.

"Oh right I'm staying because I have some things to do here still." Jinyoung said smiling cheeky

"Uh okay anyway I'm really sad you guys are leaving me. Should I also try?" Erica said

"Well do you have any talents?" Jinyoung asked

"Mhm I can sing and dance but I can't rap." Erica said leaving the others in shock

"You can sing and dance?! Why didn't you tell us?!" Taehyung and Jisoo said hitting her

"Well you never asked!" Erica said hitting them back

All of a sudden it started raining, "Rain? It's not supposed to rain yet." Erica said frowning

"Weathers can change and you can't change or make weather stay." Jisoo said

"Okay miss smarty pants," Erica said playfully rolling her eyes as Jisoo hit her

Erica sighed and said, "Well since you guys are leaving in like a week let's make it the best last week ever!"

The others agreed amd started playing games. They started playing hug machine, where one person is the hug machine and everybody has to run from them and when the person thats the hug machine finally hugs everybody the last person turns into a hug machine.

Erica was it and she had her eyes on Jinyoung. She ran very quick catching up to him and hugging him tight from the back. The others stopped running and said, "Awww Jineric!" Jinyoung widened his eyes and quickly said, "Okay okay you caught me!"

The room was filled with awkwardness until the phone rang. "Kookie!" Erica said as she went up to her room

Jinyoung groaned in madness and said, "I wished I confessed first!"

"It's okay it takes time!" Taehyung said lightly hitting Jinyoung on the back

"Hey ya guys wanna watch a movie?" Erica said

"Sure!" The rest said

They played the movie IT, after a few minutes of going into the movie Erica got up and went to the kitchen to make some popcorn. Erica was popping some popcorn when a pair of hands went around her waist...

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Sooo what do guys think?




✋End of Chapter 13✋

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