Chapter 14

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"Ahhhh!" Erica said turning around but the hands held her waist stronger.

"Can't we just stay like this a bit longer?" ??? said

"Jinyoung?" Erica said

Jinyoung nodded and said, "You know you haven't given me that kiss that you owe me yet."

Jinyoung then got closer making Erica lean back. But Jinyoung stopped as soon as he was an inch away from her and said, "Imma wait for that time."

Jinyoung was smirking and left Erica there confused. Erica sighed in relief and thought, What the hell was that? Wait for that time? Why is he getting weirder now? And why does he keep doing stuff that makes my heart beat a little faster than before? Aish Erica! Get a hold of yourself and stop liking boys! Wait did I just admit that I like Jinyoung? NO IT CAN'T BE! Maybe it's just a tiny bit crush that I'll get over soon

Erica finished with the popcorn and brought it along with other snacks. When they were in the middle of the movie, the others were starting to fall asleep exceot for Erica. She soon felt something heavy on her shoulder. She looked and saw it was Jinyoung.

Erica's POV

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Erica's POV

He looks so beautiful when he's sleep- Wait hold up I did not just compliment him! Erica thought

I soon starting caressing his hair for some weird reason when all of a sudden he woke up.

I soon starting caressing his hair for some weird reason when all of a sudden he woke up

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He was smirking at me and said,"You just can't get enough of me can you?"

I was shocked at what he said. "I... w-was just.... ugh forget it." I said getting up but his hand grabbed my wrist which made me go on top of him.

A/N: OML what do guys think will happen next? Do you think they'll do it *wiggles eyebrows* or do nothing? And also sorry for such short chapters!

✋End of Chapter 14✋

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