Chapter 9

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"Jungkook I-," Erica said but got cut off by Jungkook. "It's okay, you don't have to give me an answer right now." Jungkook said as he smiled sweetly

"Actually Jungkook, I'll give you an answer right now." Erica said as she stopped walking. Jungkook stopped walking too and turned around to face her. "Yes, I will go out with you." Erica said as she smiled, Jungkook got happy and hugged her. Erica got surprised at first, but then hugged back. "Hey! Stop hugging her!" Somebody said

"Namjoon!" Erica said as she got pulled away from him

"Hello Namjoon hyung," Jungkook said as he bowed

Namjoon just scoffed and said, "Why were you guys hugging?!"

"Calm down, we were just hugging it's not like we were kissing." Erica said as she rolled her eyes, while Jungkook laughed a bit. "Hey! How dare you say that to your older brother!" Namjoon said as he sounded a bit annoyed.

"Whatever now come on let's go! I'll see you at school!" Erica said as she was waving at Jungkook.


The next morning, Erica wore this to school.

The next morning, Erica wore this to school

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Erica was walking to school when she saw Jisoo and the others

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Erica was walking to school when she saw Jisoo and the others. She ran to them and said, "Hey guys!"

"Erica is that you?" Jisoo said surprised

"Yep," Erica said smiling

"OMAYA!" Youngjae and Taehyung said as they looked at Erica

"Stop looking at me like that!" Erica said as she went to Jisoo. Jinyoung didn't say anything due to her new look. "Y-y-you look pretty," Jinyoung said as he looked away from her. "Thanks," Erica said as she smiled at him making him blush. Jisoo and the others left leaving Erica behind. Erica was getting her stuff when somebody slammed her locker.

"Don't ever come near my kookie!" Chloe said as she gave her death glares but Erica just ignored it and left. "So, you think I'm just playing around huh?!" Chloe said as she started to grab Erica's hair.

Erica screamed in pain but punched her in the face, making Chloe have a nose bleed. Tzuyu hearin all of that came in and yelled, "Your kookie! He's my ex! Why would you like him after knowing that he did that to me!"

Erica's POV

Ex? He didn't tell me anything about him and her together?! Oh wait they were- Erica thought but got interupted by Chloe

"Yeah, so I like him! And just because he's your ex it doesn't mean I can't like him!" Chloe yelled back

"Okay fine you can like him but as of this moment you are cut out of our group." Tzuyu said as she left madly

"Fine! I don't even need your stupid group. I can always make my own!" Chloe said

Third Person's POV

After that fight, Chloe and Tzuyu left leaving everybody staring at Erica which made her uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Jisoo and the others went to the back of the school. "Hey! What was that about?" Youngjae asked

"I don't know, she looked too pretty! I couldn't say anything!" Jinyoung answered back

Taehyung sighs and says, "Come with us tomorrow and we'll give you a new look."

"Okay?" Jinyoung said right after the bell rang

15 minutes after the bell rang...

Erica came in panting. "Where have you been?" Miss said

"Sorry I'm late something urgent came up." Erica said bowing

Miss just sighs and says, "Don't ever be late to my class again or detention."

"Thank you Miss," Erica said bowing and walking to her seat. As Erica was going to her seat she saw lots of boys staring at her, but at the corner of her eye she saw a group of girls giving her death glares. Jungkook saw Erica and was amazed by how she looked.

"Wow, Erica you look beautiful." Jungkook whispered which made Erica blush

Erica saw Jinyoung at the corner of her eye, looking jealous but she just ignored it.


It was lunch time and Erica was hungry. As she was gonna grab the last kimbap roll her hand accidentally touched someone else's making her look at him. "Oh sorry here, wait Jinyoung?" Erica said as she gave him the roll

"Hi! Now come on, they're probably waiting for us!" Jinyoung said as he gave her the last kimbap. Jungkook seeing it all happen made him angry and jealous inside.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for not making lots of moments with Erica and Jinyoung but I promise there will be more!😁

✋End of Chapter 9✋

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