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I was walking downtown, and I recognized the street I was on...it was the very same street that the gypsy lady was on...talking about magic and making all dreams come true...I was curious about it...but when I made it to the door...it was closed for lunch...so I had to do some window shopping until 1:00 when they opened again...I saved all the money Tommy gave me and just bought a hot dog apiece for Xristos and Loki...and a cherry cola for me...then I went around looking thru all the stores windows...and wishing I had the money and the body for those beautiful dresses...and skimpy outfits...that would make any man drool...if a beautiful girl was wearing them anyway.

I went to Central Park to play with my dogs for a while to waste more time...until 1:00...so I tossed a stick for them a few dozen times...then sat in the grass under the shade tree and rubbed on them...I had a few passerby's stop and ask me what type of dogs I had...and told me how gorgeous they were...I thanked them after telling them that they were wolf hybrids...then I looked at my phone and noticed it was after 1:00...so I hooked them back on their leashes...and headed back to the gypsy's store...the door was open...but no one was in there yet...so I hooked the leashes on the hydrant under the shade tree in front of the store and told them I'd be right back...so they both laid down and waited for me.

I slowly walked into the store and began to mindlessly look thru the books of witchcraft that filled the shelves...then the huge tower of nothing but different colored candles...along with a book that told you what each color of candle meant and represented...then there were hundreds of different types of jewelry...that had lucky tiger eyes embedded in them...and on the other side of the store was shelves with vials and bottles filled with powders, liquids, seeds, herbs, and roots...then in the back of the building there was a table that had cages with doves and mice. There were so many different items in the store...too numerous to mention...there was even dress up clothes with the witches eye in the center...and rubbing stones with hieroglyphics on them.

After about thirty minutes...I was beginning to think that no one was going to show up...so I headed for the door...and was stopped by the very lovely gypsy woman...that was on the television...and she asked me what it was I wanted...I looked down and told her that I saw her on the television...and heard that she could make my dream come true...the lady escorted me into the back room and sat me down in front of a crystal ball...and asked me what my dream was...I looked at the crystal ball for a moment...but she smiled at me and said that she just had that there for looks...that it had no magical power to it at all.

I looked up at her and said I wanted to have someone to share my life with...and have to love and adore me...like the girls from the commercial...the lady shook her head at me and said she thought that's what I was there for...then she walked into the back room behind a curtain with the witches eye embossed in it...and came back momentarily...with a small and what looked to be a heart-shaped bottle with a red liquid in it...then she sat it down in front of me...and sat down beside me...and told me...that the magic in the bottle would give me true undying and unconditional love...with the first man that came close enough to me...after drinking the liquid...then before she slid it to me...she said the best time to use it...was in a huge crowd of men...that way I would have a huge choice to choose from...then she warned me...that if I drank it around a man that I didn't want to be with...he'd still love me...and there was no way to reverse the magic once it took hold on a man...that it was unconditional...and everlasting.

I looked at the bottle closely...and asked her if it tasted bad...she smiled at me and said it whatever my favorite drink was...that's what it would taste like...then I began to reach out for it...but stopped and asked her how much it would cost me...she stood up and held out her hand and said however much money I had on me...was how much it would cost me...I pulled out the money my brother gave me...and it was only 55 dollars after spending 5 dollars on the hot dogs and my cherry cola earlier...she accepted the money and placed the potion into my hand and said that was just the amount it cost. I stood up and held the bottle close to me...and thanked her...then walked out to my anxious dogs...and I headed home.

When I finally made it home...I set the dogs loose...in the house...and ran up to my room after grabbing a slice of leftover pizza from the fridge and warmed it up...then I poured the kibbles n bits into my dogs' trays...and hopped in my bed and just looked at the bottle of potion I got from the gypsy lady...I opened the small paper card that was tied to the neck of it...and in beautifully crafted letters it read' "*Love Potion #9*" My dogs began to bark...just to let me know that my brothers were home...and I quickly slid the bottle under my pillow...and turned on my radio.

Tommy and Mark both came in and apologized for missing dinner...but they were busy working...and lost track of time...I told them that it was alright...that I ate leftover pizza...Mark told me goodnight...and headed downstairs to his and Abby's room which was the basement...then Tommy said goodnight to me as he rubbed on Loki's head...but before he left my room he told me that for Mark and Abby's wedding party...we were all heading to Las Vegas...and if I wanted to go...I needed to start packing my shit...because it was coming up this weekend...which was four days from now...I told him that was awesome...then I told him I'd definitely be ready for that!!...after the lights in the house went out...I rubbed on both of my dogs' heads and gave a smile...and told myself...that I was taking my potion...and Vegas was where I was going to use it...for Vegas was always loaded with rich and sexy guys...I was so ecstatic...I couldn't wait to see what kind of guy my potion would hook me up with...I went to bed happy that night...and dreamt of all different types of cute guys standing in a line...with only one that would be mine.

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