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It was Friday night, the night before our wedding...and I was in a huge nervous knot...not of butterflies...oh no!...but Elephants running circles in my body...and I couldn't sleep a wink...Criss rolled over to me and felt my anxiety...and snuggled up to me and kissed my neck and told me everything would be just perfect tomorrow...and not to worry anymore...that he would be right there with me...as my strength. Finally, after listening to his soothing voice, I drifted off to sleep.

Just to be up before the birds the next morning puking my guts out...but it wasn't because of my nerves...I just let Criss think it was...because I wasn't ready to tell him my little secret yet...I was waiting to tell him for his wedding present from me. Criss heard me from the bathroom and came running in...asking me if I was ok...I asked him not to look...and if he'd hand me my toothbrush...he handed it to me without looking at me...and told me that it was ok if he saw me...in any condition...because we were going to be together forever...for better or worse...in sickness and health...and he'd always be there to take care of me...I finished cleaning up...and gave him a hug and told him that I loved him too.

Criss held onto me...and walked playfully with me into the bedroom...and asked me what I was going to be wearing today other than the wedding gown this afternoon...I looked at him and said how about I just go parading in my skivvies all day...he giggled at me and said that would be perfect...and he would do the same thing...instead of going to work for a few hours...he'd just stay home with me and snuggle until it was wedding time...I gave him a kiss and said it wasn't good luck to be with the bride before the wedding...he kissed me back a few times and told me that the only luck he believed in was the luck he made for himself...then he added very sexually in my ear...that he was very very lucky.

I playfully pushed him out of the house...and told him he needed to go to work...and I needed to get my friends over here so we could all get ready for this afternoon's festivities...then we kissed deeply one more time and he ran down the hallway and jumped into the elevator...and blew a kiss to me before he went down to the lobby...I took care of our two furbabies...then I ran back into the bedroom and called my girlfriends...and told them it was time to get ready...that I needed their help...with my hair...and makeup ideas...because Criss didn't like me hiding my beauty with makeup...but I wanted just a little to fix my baggage under my eyes from no sleep...and to cover up my little blemishes...along with some pretty eye shadow that would match the color scheme of our wedding.

Sandy, Kim, Rachel, Siera, and a few of their friends...and we all matched and color coded our dresses...so they wouldn't clash the wrong way...then we did each others hair...and makeup according to the dresses we all were wearing. Once we were all ready to head out for a small luncheon together along with Mama D, Lynn, and her little girl Dimi...we looked like we were all going to a recital...all colorfully dressed in wedding garb...but I didn't care...I wanted that last moment with the girls sort of as an innocent bachelorette party...without the perverted gifts or naked guys...just me and the girls having lunch and talking about the wedding...and how happy they all were for me.

After our lunch date was over with...Dimitra looked at her watch and said it was time to take the bride to her wedding destination...otherwise I would be late for my own wedding...we all hopped into the SUV...and Dimitra headed to the location...after she told one of the girls to blindfold me...direct orders from her son the groom. After about twenty minutes we came to a stop and everyone filed out...and gasped in awe...at what they were seeing...I asked them many times what it was...but they just walked me to the backyard...where I was supposed to be...my brother Tommy was waiting at the beginning of the aisle...so he could walk me down it...and give me away to Criss.

Once I was in my beginning position...Tommy removed the blindfold...and congratulated me on this very happy day...then he kissed me on the cheek...and asked me if I was ready to get the party started...I looked around and saw all my friends and family sitting on both sides of the aisle...along with Xristos and Loki both in little tuxedo shirts...sitting nobly one on each side at the end...and they both were holding a bouquet of flowers in their jaws...I looked around mesmerized at the beauty of it all...and began to cry...before the wedding song even started...Tommy dried my tears and warned me not to mess my makeup all up before I made it to my man...that way he could see those beautiful baby blues perfectly...when I told him "I Do".

I looked over by the keyboards...where Klayton did his magic on the wedding song...as Tommy slowly walked me down the aisle...everyone was staring at me...and tearing up...I almost tripped on my own foot from getting dizzy...but Tommy's strength kept me on the straight and narrow...and nobody noticed it. I finally made it up to where Criss was standing with a huge smile on his face and even a couple of tears...as Tommy placed my hand in his...then walked to his seat...Criss removed the veil so he could see my eyes during the long speech...so it wouldn't be so dull and boring...but magically after gazing into each other's eyes...it didn't take that long at all to hear the preacher say, "I now pronounce you man and wife...you may exchange rings and kiss the bride".

Criss placed my ring on me...then I placed my ring on him...then he put me into a big dip...and very passionately kissed me...more than once...he giggled afterward and said one kiss would never be enough. Klayton cranked up the jamming music and Criss hollered out party time!!! I spun around twice and tossed the bouquet...and it landed right in Klayton's lap...Rachel looked right at him...and told him he better not even think about throwing them down either...that was bad luck...for anyone in the future that might want to get married...then she added like her!...Klayton stood up and got right into her face...told her he had no damn intentions on throwing them away...then in front of all of our family and friends he didn't to the knee dropping thing...but he pulled out a ring and told her he was marrying her ass...then he put the engagement ring on her...and asked her if she was happy now. Rachel jumped in his arms and kissed him...and said she was deliriously happy...for two reasons...one she was pregnant...and two she finally got her man.

As I was dancing with my loving husband...he whispered in my ear...welcome to our home Serenity...that it was his wedding gift to me...I burst into tears and looked around at our paradise...and kissed him very deeply...then after I thanked him...I went to his ear and told him my little secret...when I moved away from him...it was his turn to cry...then he lifted me up in the air...and spun me gently around...as he hollered to everyone that he was going to be a daddy!!...

The wedding was over...and everyone was happy...Kim and Tom and their little boy Christian Scott Hiddleston...Sandy and Sully, and their two baby's Skylar and Sam...Rachel and Klayton...and their baby girl on the way Hayley Aphelion Scott...and my love my life my all...Criss and I and our little boy that was welcomed to the world on Halloween...Johnny Crisstopher Sarantakos...We all wanted the dream...and now we were all living the dream...all I needed was a little Gypsy Magic...from the little bottle of Love Potion #9...and it did make all my dreams come true. LOVE-LIVES-FOREVER!...WHEN U ~BELIEVE~

                                                                              ~*THE END*~

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