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{Criss's p.o.v.}

I was now standing outside her door...and I was absolutely frozen...I had no idea what to say to her once she opened the door...but I couldn't leave...my feet rooted in that spot...I heard noises coming from the room...then I looked intently at the doorknob...waiting for it to turn...it slowly turned and my heart skipped a beat...not knowing if I could hold in my unknown excitement I was feeling...the door slightly opened and I saw her gorgeous eyes looking right at me...two beautiful pools of bright clear water...that I was deeply sinking into...I didn't even let her get one word in edgeways...I moved right up to her and put my arms around her and laid a kiss on her and told her that I was crazy about her...and that I was insanely in love with her...and that it was love at first sight ever since I saw her at my show.

(Kc's p.o.v.)

After he slowly moved away from me...I looked up at him and asked him if he was loaded on something...but he looked at me with total honesty...and swore to me that he wasn't drunk...that for, ever since after his show...I was all that he could look, think, and hear about. Then he also added that he's never felt that way before...and that he needed to be with me...no matter what. I opened the door, where Xristos was poking his head right between my legs being inquisitive...and a little snarly...Criss looked down and knelt down...to Xristos level...and slowly held out his hand...Criss ignored the dogs insecure growling...and kept his stare into the dog's eyes...I playfully told Criss, that Xristos probably wouldn't go to him...Criss looked up at me and said my dog's name was Xristos?  and that I Seriously named my dog after his alter-ego!?

I smiled at him and told him in my defense I named him that before I knew about him and his shows...miraculously though...Xristos slowly moved toward Criss, and stopped growling...and took a sniff of him...Criss slowly moved his hand to the dog again...and Xristos let Criss pet him...I never thought I would see that happen...shortly after that Loki came running out of the bedroom...and demanded attention too...and Criss was instantly put on his ass with two very large dogs all over him...but by the way, he was smiling and laughing...I don't think it was bothering him in the slightest...after a while longer I whistled twice and they both instantly stopped and came to each side of me and sat down...Criss got up and walked up to me, and told me that my dogs were very well trained and intelligent.

I thanked him, and told them both to go to bed...they raced each other into the bedroom and jumped up in my bed...where they began to wrestle a little bit...because we both heard them from the door...I was just about to tell him it was nice talking to him and that I would see him later...but he approached the door and asked if he could come in before I could tell him goodbye. I looked over at him...for a moment, then slowly opened my door the rest of the way...and showed him in...I knew the gypsy told me how powerful the potion was...but I never thought it would actually work...and of all the men in the world...CRISS ANGEL was the one that was going to be mine!!...but now that I had him...what in the hell was I going to do with him...for it was a strong fact, that I didn't know anything about guys and the birds and the bees...& know that Criss was in my room of all places...without any other person...I was getting a little nervous.

Criss looked around then carelessly plopped in the chair and waited for me to come into the living area with him...I sat down across from him on the loveseat...and asked him what he was doing there...Criss stood up and came over to join me...then in a very cute and romantic way...he said they called these little sofa's loveseats for a reason...that they were the perfect size just for two...lovers...I hesitated and moved back as he was leaning in toward me...and told him that he was moving just a little fast for me...Criss slid over closer to me...and said not for him, he wasn't...that his heart was telling him what to do...and his body was merely following its lead...I wanted to stand up and move away...but the way he was looking deep into my eyes...I felt the strength of his emotions permeating around him.

Criss slowly placed his fingertips on my cheek...and with his eyes...he begged me for a kiss...I was extremely nervous with butterflies fluttering all around inside...but I didn't back away this time...when he very slowly moved in...then with his hand still touching my face...he kissed me very softly on my lips...and I was drowned in electricity from the touch of his moist, velvety lips. but the intimate moment was suddenly interrupted when Kim, Rachel, and Siera came in my room...because I totally forgot that I gave my new best friends a room key...so they'd have a place to crash. But when they entered they all froze when they saw Criss sitting that close to me in the loveseat...with him still holding my hand.

I quickly jumped up and told them I had an unexpected guest...that he just stopped by to talk with me...about how much I enjoyed his performance...which I knew by the expressions on my friends' faces...they didn't believe a word of it...Criss was too far in his own zone for me to care about anyone else in the room...he stood up with me and kept putting his hands on me...wanting me to do something...anything with him...then he added devilishly or to him...I looked at him, and shook my head no at him...but my friends were already on their asses laughing at me...because the Mindfreak was lovestruck on me...then Rachel grabbed Kim, and Siera and told them to let me and Criss have some privacy...but then they all poked their heads back thru the door...and added that they expected me to give them full details tomorrow...and at that moment I was 50 shades of red...from all the blushing.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now