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{Criss's p.o.v.}

After we had our very delightful lunch together, I asked her if she'd like to head down to the Secret Gardens with me...after she wiped her face off, and said she'd love to...I delicately entwined my fingers with hers as we walked very close together, hand in hand toward The Mirage Casino and Resort, where the Gardens was located...I continued to look at her nonstop...and think to myself at how lucky I was to have such a sweet and beautiful girl with me...I felt like I was walking on cloud 9...I have never been this happy about anything in my life...I truly believed that I finally found my personal heaven...my Nirvana...and that I never wanted to let her go.

We finally made it to the Mirage, and I went ahead and tried to pay for the tickets...but Theresa the lady that worked there and knew me very well...told me that for me the Gardens tour was always on the house...I thanked her very much, then wrapped around my sweet Kc and headed into the Gardens...which wasn't really a garden...it was a wildlife resort for Siegfried and Roy's imperial white tigers...and Royal White Lions...among other animals...that they cared for...toward the center of the zoo...there was a dolphin resort where they had three dolphins...that's where we both unexpectedly ran into Sully and Sandy...Sully reached over and gave Kc a kiss, then asked what we were up to today...Sandy and Kc gave each other a hug...while I told Sully that I was spending some quality time with my girl...and that he was very rudely interrupting his vibes.

Sully raised both of his hands in the air...and said he sure in the hell didn't want to do that!!...so he grabbed Sandy and said that he was doing the same thing with his sexy lady...and that they were heading to Circus Circus next...so they wouldn't keep us...but before they left...Sully offered us both to join him and Sandy for dinner tonight...but as Kc was about to say sure...I told him that I had a little something different and special in mind for me and Kc tonight...but I told him I'd take a rain check on it...and maybe join them tomorrow evening for dinner...then I added that I would be paying...Sully raised both of his hands in the air and told me that it was on...then I wrapped around Kc once more and finished walking thru the zoo.

We left the zoo, and I took her to the nearest ice cream shop...where I bought us a large Ice cream soda to share...as we took a refreshing walk thru Sunset Park...I sensed that she was getting a little tired of walking so I spun her around and told her to hop up...and I gave her a piggyback ride to the large shade tree on the far side of the park...which was also next to the pond...where couples sat down in the shade to feed the ducks, swans, and geese...and the pigeons that pestered everyone until they did...I gently sat her down then I crashed next to her...as we both just laid there in the grass...watching the birds swim, as we talked about sweet nothings...and gazed lovingly into each other's eyes...it was very peaceful...and quite romantic I thought...where we eventually took a little nap together...but it didn't last very long...for I was rudely awakened by a very familiar voice...that I really wished I wasn't hearing at the moment.

I opened my eyes and told Stoney to go away...that I was so not in the mood for his wild ass. But he ignored me completely and did a slider right in between Kc and I...and asked her what she was doing hanging around a creep like me for...that he was a much better catch...and twice as handsome...Kc looked at him...and added that he was also working his charm on overtime...he gave her a wide grin...and held his hand out to her...and said his name was Klayton Scott...and that it was an honor to meet her...and kiss her...she looked at him and was about to say he didn't...but before she could finish her sentence...Klayton laid a whopping kiss on her...which set my ass on fire...I was steaming with jealousy...I mean I loved my blood brother...but I really wanted to beat the shit out of him...I pulled him off and told him to go find his own girl...that she was mine.

Klayton pulled his shades down...and cynically asked me if I was afraid of a little friendly competition...after I heard him say that...even though I knew he was just being as asswipe...I rolled him...as we heavily got into our little rumble...Kc was trying to warn us about something...but neither of us was listening to her...Suddenly all there was....was me and Stoney rolling into the pond with a very large splash...and the ducks and geese frantically flew to the far side of the pond...but it cooled us both down...and as we were helping each other out of the pond I asked Kc what she was trying to say a few minutes ago...she laughed at both of us...and said she was trying to tell us to watch out...that we were getting too close to the pond's edge.

I smiled at her and said thank you, baby, for being so helpful...Kc waved at both of us and said anytime...Kc looked at Klayton, and as she was staring at him...in all of his awesomeness...she said she actually had a girlfriend that would love to meet him...Klayton looked at her and ran right up beside her and said really!...then he looked at Kc's phone and asked if she had a picture of her girlfriend...she said she did...then she showed him the picture of her...and said that her name was Rachel...he took a very good look at the picture...then looked right at me...and said he wanted that!! I laughed at him...and told him if he acted like that...he might just get to have her...then I added playfully...what girl could say no to a face like that while I was squeezing his cheeks.

Kc playfully added or to his sexy/awesome hair as she played in it...I looked at her and said she actually liked his whacked out hair!...she wrapped her arm around his neck and said it was a wicked hairdo...then she looked at me and my hair...I gave her my crazy stare and said no way was I doing that to my hair!...Kc snickered as she assured me that I would look so awesome with a Klayton Scott mohawk...I gave her a playful kiss and told her that I would respectfully pass...and let him carry his own trademark...then all three of us headed back to Kc's hotel room...so she could give Rachel a call and tell her that she found a sexy guy that was interested in meeting her.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now