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Kc was looking out the glass wall from the restaurant...admiring the view...and not being able to comprehend the fact, that she was on top of the world with me...I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms lovingly around her...and laid my head on her shoulder and kissed her neck while asking her if she liked being with me...without looking at me she placed her hand gently on my cheek, and in a very emotional moment...she told me that she loved every second with me...just then the waiter came to our table and waited for us to sit down...so he could take our orders...I pulled Kc's chair out for her, then pushed her in gently...then I hopped in my seat...and without even reading the menu I ordered for both of us.

Kc was looking around admiring the lighting, and the beautiful decorations of the restaurant...when I decided to wow her with a little Mindfreak Magic...I noticed the two candles on the table...and grabbed my silk napkin...and grabbed the tall white candle from its cradle...then I lit it...and with the other end of the napkin I pulled it up the candles shaft three times...the first time nothing...the second time nothing...but the third and final time I did it...the lit candle disappeared...then I tossed the napkin up in the air...and when I caught it...the napkin vanished from inside my hand...Kc was right up against the edge of the table trying to watch me very closely. My next bit of magic...was with the other candle...I took a lighter and lit my fingertip with it...then I placed my finger on the candle...and lit it...then I placed both of my hands around the flame...and magically raised the lit wick...from off the candle...and levitated all around me then I sent it to Kc...and levitated around her...then as I called it back and caught it...I slowly opened my hands and three butterflies flew out around us both then flew freely throughout the restaurant.

Kc put her hands in mine and told me how beautiful and amazing that was...then she reached over to me and gently placed a soft and very sweet kiss on me. It was at that moment...I knew I was going to be with her for the rest of my life...just by the way she kissed me...I ordered the Lemon Chicken Parmesan, along with side salad, and finely diced baked potato...then I ordered the very best Chardonnay they had...after they brought it in and I popped the cork...I waved for the server's to leave us...to our privacy...and when I needed them I'd call them...then I very lightly levitated her glass of wine to her...then I laid it gently into her hand...then I lifted my glass to her and gave a toast to her...the most beautiful girl I ever had the pleasure of meeting and falling head over hills in love with...and that I wouldn't be happy with anyone else...only her.

Kc looked down, as she blushed slightly...then she raised her glass, and toasted to me...and said I was the most romantic and sweet guy she's ever met...and that she wouldn't have ever been happy with any other man...I bowed my head to her and thanked her...then we gently clinked our glasses...when she added that I was also the sexiest guy and the most charming...I smiled at her and told her she was the one that brought it out of me...after he had our first drink...the waiters came around with our food...and we dined in slowly as we shared glances at each other every now and then...I broke the silence and asked her how she liked the meal...she waited until she swallowed what she had in her mouth...then she told me it was very delicious...she was so damn cute...and irresistible.

After we finished eating we relaxed in the chairs and talked for a while so our food could settle a little bit...then at first I was thinking about just taking her for a lovely nightly stroll thru the park before taking her back to her hotel...but when I heard some sweet and soft dancing music...in the other room...I slowly stood up and went over to her...and asked her for her hand...she had no idea what I was implying until I walked with her into the other room...where there were only two other dancers in there...she tried to say no...but I took her out anyway and told her too late, that she had to dance with me...I held her very close to me...and whispered in her ear...that all she had to do was let me lead her...for I was a very strong dance partner...and quite good at it...even though I agree with a lot of people when I say I'm not the most graceful of Magicians...I was always good at dancing...and making a total ass out of myself...but at that moment...I wasn't in the ass making mood...I wanted to make her night absolutely perfect...and for me as well.

We danced together for hours...losing track of all time...until the owner came up to me and said that the music stopped playing hours ago...and that he had to close up now...Kc looked at me...and we both realized we never heard the music stop...because the music we were dancing to was in our head...I smiled at the owner and apologized for the inconvenience...then I gave him a large tip...then I wrapped my arm around Kc and escorted to the elevator...that would take us back to the bottom floor...where we could leave the restaurant...the owner smiled at us both and said young lover's...always a sight to see...losing all track of their surroundings...with nothing on their minds but each other...it was enough to warm his old soul...then he left the building and all the lights went out.

Kc and I walked thru the park very close together...but remained very quiet...until we got outside the Palazzo where she was staying...I placed my head right up against her...and told her I wished this night would never end...she reached up and kissed me...and said she felt the same...I kissed her back and told her goodnight...and that I loved her...she stopped to think about what I just said to her...then she walked up to me and stopped me from walking away...and she kissed me very deeply...then pulled away slightly and said that she loved me too...I smiled down at her...and wrapped securely around her...and asked her if she'd like to go with me to The Luxor for the night...for her unsubtle quietness...I thought I just stepped too far...and scared her off...but I was wrong...she wrapped her arm around mine...and said she'd love to join me.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now