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I woke up at 7:00 that morning with my mind set on going to the Luxor which was only 15 minutes from where I stayed...beens my brothers and their girlfriends were spending the day with themselves having personal fun and gambling...I decided to take my dogs out and have a little fun myself...Tommy made sure I had money...and my dogs were my protectors...and I had a map of Vegas for the directions...and I had my little bottle of magic stuffed in my purse just in case...so I was all set...but Loki let me know that he wanted breakfast before play...so I headed to the small cafe in the casino I was staying in...and asked for three breakfasts...

The waitress looked at me and asked if I was having company join me...I told her nope...that two of the breakfasts went to my baby's...then I pointed down at my side...the waitress leaned over and as soon as she saw my gorgeous dogs she raced around the counter wanting to take pictures of them and pet them...she apologized for her silliness...she just loved wolf dogs...then as she pet one of them she asked me what their names were...I told her the one that she was loving on was Loki...and the black one hiding behind me was Xristos...she stood up and said she would have my order ready in a few minutes...then went in back and told them to hurry up with the breakfasts.

After me and my two boys ate, and paid for the meal...I headed out to do some sidewalk shopping along Freemont Street until I made it to the Luxor. I bought some very cute doggie accessories for very cheap...I bought Loki a doggie hat he loved wearing hats as long as there were ear holes to pull his ears thru...Xristos didn't like the hats...but he loved wearing doggie sunglasses...then I bought them both some blingage doggie necklaces...then I found me a few little knick-knacks just as memorabilia to say that I was here to buy them...I looked around and saw a popcorn vendor selling popcorn for a dollar...so I bought a bag to munch on...then every now and then I'd toss a few to my boys...and they'd catch them in mid-air. I looked up and finally saw the Luxor...and its spectacular entrance.

I found a shady spot under the awning and went to the door boy at the casino and asked him if dogs were allowed in the building...he looked at me then glanced at my two dogs...and asked me how well mannered were they...I gave a whistle and they both came up to me and sat down one at each side of me. Then I told him they were very good with people as long as no one tried to strike at me or talk in a threatening tone to me...and I didn't really want to leave them outside in the heat the entire time I was inside. He gave a slight sigh and said as long as they behaved Mr. Rappaport wouldn't mind having them in his resort...I thanked him and repositioned their hooks on their leashes to make them shorter...then I hooked them to my belt...that way they would stay right by my side...for when I hooked them like that...they knew how to behave.

Once I entered the building...it was like walking into another world...it was so cool...much better than the Palazzo where I had to stay...I checked out the mini stores and all the different merchandise...then I kept walking around the water fountain at the center...Loki and Xristos both wanted to go swimming but I shook my head no...and they followed me into The Official Mindfreak Store...I looked around and saw all the cool things hanging on all the walls...then I looked at the shelves and riffled thru all the posters of this Criss Angel...and decided that he was probably the sexiest guy I'd ever seen...I noticed a sofa in the center of the room and magazines on the coffee table in front of it...and there was a huge area mat that said welcome...so I went to the sofa and took a seat, Loki and Xristos both agreed and laid down at my feet soaking in the air conditioning.

I had my phone and was reading up about Criss Angel...for I found a personal interest in him...I wanted to know everything...until I was interrupted by a girl asking me about my dogs...then she knelt down and said how handsome they were...I put my phone up and told her they were my babies...she held out her hand to me and said her name was Sandy...and she was from Boston...I accepted her hand told her I was Kc, and I was from New York...then I told her that the red and gray one was Loki, and my black devil was Xristos...she looked up at me and said that I named my dog after Criss Angel's alter-ego!!...then she said that was so cool!...and added that Criss would love to hear that...I looked up at her and asked her if she was a Criss Angel fan...she sat down beside me and said she was very much so...but this was her first trip to Vegas to actually get to see his show...if she could afford a ticket...she said she hasn't been to the ticket booth yet...because she was afraid that it would be too expensive for her to buy...I hopped up and asked her if she'd like to join me...because that's where I was headed...she shook her head yes...then asked if she could walk on of my dogs...so I gave her Loki's leash...for he was better around strangers than Xristos was...Xristos was a mommy's boy.

Once we made it to the ticket booth we ran into another girl that was on her way there was well...she shook both of our hands and said her name was Rachel...and that she and her sister Siera, were there for the show...I told her that Sandy and I were there for the show too...Rachel asked if maybe we could all sit together...for there was nothing better than having a group of loyal friends to watch Criss Angel in...I told her it was a great idea...and that I was always looking for new friends...Siera came out of the bathroom and joined up with us...as we bought out tickets...but Sandy didn't have enough...so I pitched in and helped her get one...then Rachel and Siera pitched in too...so I wouldn't have to blow all my money alone...I thought that was the coolest thing ever...just meeting up with a group of girls...that hardly know each other...and already paying for each other's way...I'd never had that kind of friendship before.

Just than another girl came out wearing Criss Angel logo shirt on...and asked about my dogs first, then said her name was Kim...and she was one of Mr. Angels secretaries...but she clocked out for the day...and just wanted to buy a ticket to his show...before they all sold out...we all looked at her and asked her if she'd like to join us to watch the show...beens watching with a group of friends was better than watching alone...she gave us all a smile and said she'd love that...for she didn't have many friends...but she never missed a show...but she was always in the back by herself while watching him perform.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now