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After the several hours of flying...it was while I was asleep that we finally landed at the Las Vegas landing strip...so Tommy carried me off and into the cab...while the others grabbed all the luggage...but I woke up when I heard Loki and Xristos barking frantically wanting out of their cages...the tranquilizers wore off completely and they wanted to run and go potty...not to mention drink 20 gallons of water...I was just glad they were very well trained. I didn't even really need their leashes...but just for safety's sake, I kept them on them...especially around a lot of other dogs...in a heavy populated area.

After they got done doing their business...Mark hollered at me and told me to get in the cab...so we all could get settled in at the hotel...luckily Tommy paid the extra 400 dollars for the pet fee...but he assured the casino owner that they were very obedient...and very nice around people...as long as the people weren't trying to harm me...the cab pulled up in the parking lot...and we all filed out...as soon as I got out with my dogs...I told them to sit and wait for me...and they did it immediately...but watched every move I made...I grabbed my bag, then I asked Xristos to hand me their leash I dropped on the ground...as the door boy at the casino watched it all...Xristos grabbed the leash and put it in my hand...then I asked them both to heel...and one on each side of me walked in unison right beside me into the casino behind my brothers and their girlfriends.

The door boy was so amazed at how well they were trained he offered to carry my bags for me...while I told him about my dogs...I went into the elevators waiting for Mark who was getting our room keys...and the door boy followed me up still carrying me bags...and rambling on about my dogs...and that he never saw a dog that smart...Mark gave me my room key...then he handed Tommy his...for Mark paid for three rooms...one for him and Abby, one for Tommy and Karalea, and one for me and my dogs...I gave the door boy a tip and thanked him for carrying my bags...but before he left he asked if he could pet them...Xristos was a little leery about being petted by strangers...but I told him that he could pet Loki...he knelt down and held out his hand...as Loki let him scratch behind his ears...but he stood up and said he had to get back to work...but added that it was a pleasure meeting me and my dogs.

Twenty minutes later we all were settled in our rooms...Karalea and Abby suffered from major jet lag...and were sound asleep...Mark was in the shower...and Tommy was just laying back in the bed watching some cartoons on the big screen tv...I was taking a shower too, then I put on a fresh pair of blue jean shorts...and a Godsmack spaghetti strap shirt...I set out my dogs' food and water bowl...then I gave them each a treat...and sat down on the bed and pulled the bottle out of my bag...and rolled it between my fingers...wondering if I should do it instantly and get it over with...or if I should wait for the perfect moment with a very large crowd of decent looking men...then swig it down...I just didn't know...but it was only 5:00 p.m...and Tommy told me that we weren't leaving the rooms until around 8:00 tonight for our first family dinner...at one of the classy restaurants somewhere downtown. So I laid back in the nice soft bed and decided to take a snooze for a while...Xristos and Loki agreed with me...and hopped up beside me...within 15 minutes all three of us were sound asleep.

I was awakened by my dogs barking loudly at Karalea knocking on my door...telling me it was time to get ready for dinner...I slowly stood up and stretched...then told her I'd be out in a minute...but I wouldn't be ready until after I took my dogs out to go potty again so they would be good until we got back from dinner...when I left them in the room they whined a while...but settle down...knowing I would be back soon...so they jumped on the bed and waited while staring at the door...Mark hailed a cab...then we all headed for a very fancy Tai food restaurant...the food was weird...but most of it tasted good after I got the first bite down.

I brought my bottle of magic...with me just in case a saw a handsome guy I wanted to use it on...but there wasn't so I never even took it out of my purse...after we all ate til we were about to burst...I asked for a carry-out bag...so I could give my leftovers to my two boys back at the hotel...that was probably getting mighty lonesome without me...but Abby wanted to go for a walk thru a few of the malls before going up to the rooms...so when the majority ruled...I had no choice but to irritatingly follow them all...until she and Karalea got it out of their little systems...but I was tired of all the mindless walking and no buying anything...so I pulled my room key out of my purse and carried my dogs' leftover treat to the elevator...and went to my room alone.

After I was greeted by my furry friends...I gave them lots of love...then I opened the carryout tray and told them to share...they were both very dainty eaters for such large dogs...and had excellent manners...they shared perfectly...then went over and took a few drinks...while I got into my sleepwear...and turned on the television...on the channel that showed all the fun things to do in Vegas...I watched for hours...and wrote down all the fun things that I wouldn't mind doing...then suddenly the screen totally went black...then burst out into flames on the screen...and some narrator was talking about the greatest magic show of all time...with the #1 Magician in the world!! Then it said, "if you want to really be blown away...then come to The Luxor, and watch Mindfreak Live!!...it will amaze you, it will scare you, it will FREAK YOUR MIND!!" Then a very handsome guy pops on the screen while rubbing his hands together...and says "I hope to see YOU at my show...then the advertisement went off and little logos went all across the screen along with the words Criss Angel!!....Mindfreak Live! order your tickets now!" I sat there in the bed for a few moments then I told myself that's where I wanted to go!...I had to see that show!

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now