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Criss and I have been engaged for three weeks now...and I still couldn't believe it...but along with his new fiance...he decided to change his hair style too...he changed the sexy blond with medium streaks in it...and switched it to black with his red streaks in it...which was wickedly sexy...especially when he had a lollipop in between his lips...Sandy and Sully both finally came out with their secret and said that she was 6 months pregnant...and he and her went and eloped instead of having a big and boring wedding...then he asked Klayton and Criss both if they would like to be the godfather's of his two kids when they came out...I looked at them and said Sandy was pregnant with twins!!...Sully shook his head yes very happily...and said he was going to be blessed with a son and a daughter...they already had the little girl's name picked out her name was going to be Skylar...but was having a little trouble picking out a name for the lil boy...then they both looked at all of us for any ideas...but Sandy said she wanted all their names to start with the letter S.

So we all started spouting out names while Rachel and Sandy wrote them down...Samuel, Steven, Seth, Scott, Sean, Simon, Sebastian, Spencer, Shane, Stewart, Sheldon, and Sonny. Sully and Sandy looked over the names many times and ended up picking three names out of them that they liked...Samuel, Sebastian, and Sonny...then Sully told Criss to touch Sandy's belly...and see what his son's name would be...Criss touched her belly...and closed his eyes...then out of nowhere, he came out with the name Sam. Sandy looked at Criss and said that was the name that she wanted anyway...Kim and Tom congratulated both of them...but said they couldn't stay very long...for Tom was taking Kim to meet his family for a very special dinner...so they gave everyone a hug...Tom was still not used to the close knitness of our friendship...but he was getting there...and kinda liked it...then they got into his car...and left.

Klayton was still thanking me constantly for giving him Loki for his birthday present over two weeks ago...and that it was the greatest gift he's ever received. Rachel grabbed Klayton and told him that it was time for him to take her home too...because she had a pretty good sized meal to prepare for when her sister Siera and her husband and daughter showed up tonight...Klayton rolled his eyes and said he didn't like Siera's husband...that he was just the type of guy he wanted to strangle...and their daughter was a little hellion...but he had to admit he still liked the kid though...but he definitely had to keep Loki and Stutter locked up in their bedroom...or Stutter would be victimized by their daughter...and that would set of Loki...and he'd end up biting her...or Siera's husband Leland would say something...that would piss him off...and he'd sick Loki on his ass...just so he could watch Loki tear him up.

Rachel snickered at her silly/sexy ass klayboy bunny...and told him to behave...that she hasn't seen her sister in a long time...and thought it would be nice to spend time with them...Klayton obediently went to the truck and loaded Loki up...and said yes my love...Klayton will be a good boy...then he mumbled under his breath...and said unless...Leland started his shit with him...then Klayton will turn into a very bad boy...and shove his boot all up in his ass...and then kick him all the way back to Hawaii. Criss and I were both laughing wildly at our friend's humor...then before they left we both wished him good luck...Sully was wrapped lovingly around his wife...while rubbing her belly...saying how extremely happy he was...then as she laid back on him...wanting to take a nap...Sully began to hum gently to her...then he stepped it up a bit...and actually sang to her for a while until she fell asleep.

Criss wrapped his arms around me...and asked me if I was about ready to head to our place...I looked up at him...and told him I was ready whenever he was...but instead of being smart like everyone else...Criss, Xristos, and I walked to Sully's house instead of driven...and know that it was getting dark...we had quite a ways to walk...not that I was scared to walk at night...I had the two most protective guys in my life...Criss and Xristos...and they both were very strong...and very vicious when provoked. During our walk home, Criss said out of the blue that he wanted to have a baby with me...I stopped walking and told him we weren't even married yet...Criss said we could be...very quickly and easily...then we could have a baby. I smiled at him...and told him I didn't think I was ready for a baby yet...and that I wanted to wait at least until I was 21 years old.

Criss pouted at that remark...I told him it wasn't that long that I was going to be 20 in a few weeks...Criss still pouted and said it was still too long. I reached up to him and pulled him down to me and kissed him and told him he was such a spoiled rotten baby boy...then I added that I really loved him anyway though...that ended the conversation for now anyway...the rest of the walk home...was mostly quiet...except for him whispering in my ear...at what we were going to do when we made it to the room...some of his dirty talking made me turn bright red...until he said something about bondage...and I turned to him...and told him he was wicked...and that I was not letting him tie me to the bed...but he ignored me...and just continued to giggle devilishly.

We no sooner made it into the house...and Xristos jumped on the couch with Hammie and began washing him...in greeting to his companion...which it was also their sleeping spot...Criss grabbed me and carried me kicking and screaming into the bedroom...then he shut the door behind him...so we couldn't be interrupted by our furry sons. He finally got his way...no matter how much I playfully fought him off...I ended up being tied and blindfolded with satin ties to the bed...where he passionately began to entice me with strawberries and whipped cream...then he gave me a slight taste of sweet cherry wine from his fingertip...then purposely spilled a little bit on me...so he could literally have a sip on me...after he was done playing with me...he removed my hands from their bonds...but kept me blindfolded as we made love to each other...it was a rather passionate experience for me...and once my magical honey bunny kept me up all night...I was just hoping he wasn't trying to knock me up without asking first...because he was pretty determined about wanting a baby...if he did that...I would just have to kick his little ass...even though I already knew I wouldn't be able to be mad at him. I'd still be able to beat his ass for him...and put him on a full blown guilt trip. We both finally passed out wrapped in each other around 3:30 that morning.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now