Chapter 3

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I clutched the map of Mirkwoon closer to my face, tilting it this way and that, trying to get a sense of where I was. Curse this darkened forest. I cannot find my way back onto the road. I would not have strayed from it had my stallion, Thorn, not trotted toward a stream for water while I dozed off. I yanked his head away from the polluted water before he could tumble us both into oblivion but not before losing the path to the Elven kingdom.

I shoved the map back into my saddle bag and tried to listen for the water. I knew that a river was near the entrance to the Mirkwood realm. I closed my eyes and held my breath as I took in the sounds around me. The air was thick and muffles whatever may have been living in this eerie forest. But to my right I just barely heard the rushing water. Then something else caught my ears. Faint clicking sounds and light thumps like sticks on trees. I just pull the lead toward it for a second before I see the gigantic spiders bearing down on me. I spur Thorn's sides toward the river, thinking that if it came to it, we could jump into the water and swim for it. I hate spiders more than nearly anything else in this world and trying to cut my way through fifty of them does not sound like fun.

We tear through the forest, outrunning the spiders to my disbelief. It's like something else caught their attention, so they left me alone. But now I am even further from the path and with my heart pounding in my ears, its impossible to hear the faint sound of running water. I cannot remember which way I faced before the spiders came and now this part of the forest seems even darker than before. Thorn whinnies quietly so I hop down and give him some water from my own supply. We push forward after he has had a thorough drink.

I cannot tell which way the sun is, but I can tell that it is setting. Nearly all light is gone now. I nudge Thorn's sides again and we trot farther along these gnarled roots and dead bushes. Then out of nowhere, a pure white stag steps from the brush and looks at me. I freeze, taking in this magnificent creature. The stag bows his head at me. I return the bow, seeing strands of my own platinum hair from the corner of my eye. When I pull my head back up the stag looks me in the eye and then looks to his left. I follow the gaze and start pulling Thorn in that direction, trusting this stag to point me in the right direction. I dip my chin to him again and watch as the stag bounds back into the depths of the forest. I silently thank him for guiding me.

Following the gaze of the white stag finally leads me to the entrance of Thranduil's kingdom. The giant doors are sealed with two guards standing at either side, silently scanning the forest for signs of danger. When they spot me, the come halfway across the bridge to meet me, weapons drawn. I leave my daggers alone. I am not here to make threats.

"What business brings you to the Woodland Realm?" The first asks brutishly.

"The business of learning," I answer, dismounting and reaching for a letter Elrond gave me. The guards back away and start shouting to show them my hands. I drop the letter and do as they ask, not wanting to fight.

"Calm down, please!! It is just a letter from Lord Elrond of Imladris," I respond when asked what I had been reaching for.

"With your right hand, retrieve the letter and place it in front of yourself, slowly!" The first guard shouts at me, bow drawn. I do as instructed and place the parchment a few feet from myself. The second guard carefully reaches down and collects it, then reads it slowly.

"At ease, Captain, he is who he claims to be. I do not understand why my father would not have told us of this visitor, but here he is, well recognized by Lord Elrond. If you follow me, I shall introduce you to my father, king Thranduil Oroperion," the second guard says, removing his helmet and revealing himself as the Woodland Prince.

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