Chapter 5

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The night watch is my favorite part of training in the Guard. I am able to clearly see the forest and hear everything that goes on. As I stand atop the apex of the hill, I remember when my father and I would play here. I smile faintly, knowing those days are long past. His heart has been cold these last centuries.

The moon is full and the stars are out tonight, I expect the feasting to be exuberant. My father is likely deep into his wine by now, but still appearing stone sober, as usual.

"My lord Legolas," a fair voice calls. I smile.

"Tauriel, what are you doing on the night watch?"

"I just came to keep you company, I know how tedious it can be up here at night alone." She stands beside me, bow slung over her back and her knives sheathed at her side. We stand atop the hill, gazing at the stars and over the tops of the trees in the forest. The air was quiet and calm. I did not anticipate an attack from the Hidden tonight.

"How is your mother?" I ask. The Captain was likely at the feast tonight with Tauriel's father.

"She has been tired as of late. These attacks are wearing down her resolve. I fear that she will make a mistake while on duty and it will cost her life of the lives of our people," she replied darkly. I can understand, if I were in charge of this kingdom's security and it were failing, I would be worn down as well. "She has even considered stepping down. King Thranduil will not have it though. For nearly five-hundred years she has been his Captain. Who could replace her?"

"You could, Tauriel. Who else would run this place like your mother but you?"

"I do not know if I could take the scrutiny of your father the same way my mother can. They have been friends since before he became king. He does not much favor me." Her eyes were sad, but I could tell she had thought long about one day taking her mother's place.

"I believe you could become Captain if your mother did step down," I assure her.

"What about you? The son of the King could do whatever he chose," she laughed, knowing how wrong she was.

"Ha, my father would skin me for suggesting it. He still believes that this love of being a guard is some kind of phase of my life that I will grow out of." Tauriel smiles gently at me.

"Perhaps if you left this place for a while, went to see the world more, he would see that you are not him," she suggested.

"If I told him I wanted to leave, he would lock me in and treat me like a prisoner. He is too controlling to allow me my own life. Ever since Rhovanel died, he has closed himself off from the world. I can hardly remember the last time he himself left the walls of this kingdom." Tauriel frowned. It has been a long time since I acknowledged the death of the woman I considered my mother. "I know it still haunts my father, especially since my brother was lost shorty afterward. My father has been distant and cold ever since." Tauriel has no response, and I cannot say that I would either, so instead of continuing conversation, we watch the forest.

The light of the stars and the full moon create a cool light over the tops of the trees in their summer hues. The vibrant greens remind me of the forest from my youth, the Great Groonwood. I miss the life that was once abundant and has now faded into darkness.

Suddenly I hear a scuttling sound from the North. The Hidden will not leave this night in peace.

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