Chapter 7

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I lost track of the captain and the king in the chaos that followed battle. Healers were everywhere, carrying the dead and injured into the stronghold on stretchers. Warriors were searching for any that had passed beyond the tree line. A few elves on horseback attempted to rein in the massive elk the king had ridden. I wanted to learn what the misted figures were, so I made for the trees where they seemed to have come from. I knelt by the roots of a particularly large oak and dipped my fingers into a pool of black goop. It reminded me of oil for torches.

"We do not know what they are, stranger," a feminine voice called to me. I turned to see a healer approaching. She had an aura of intelligence about her, and a kindness.

"What do you know?" I asked, turning back to the thick murky material on my fingers.

"Only that they come in the night and they are very hard to kill. Their weapons leave marks that have not been recorded in any test I've ever read. And I've read a great deal on injuries." She comes to kneel beside me. I hold up my fingers with an eyebrow raised. She shakes her head. "This seems to always stay behind. I think it may be some kind of blood, or at least that is my hope."

"Why is that your hope?" I ask.

"If they have blood, they can bleed, and they can die." Her eyes turned dark when she said that, as if these figures had caused a great deal of suffering. I did not know how to respond so I continued studying the strange substance.

There seemed to be trails of it leading deeper into the trees. My curiosity got the better of me and I made to follow it.

"Don't," the girl said, gripping my wrist. "We have lost many guards that way." She didn't continue and released my wrist. I stared down the path for another few seconds before turning away from the forest and back to the woodland stronghold.

As soon as I approached the massive doors i caught sight of the Woodland Prince. He caught my eye and changed his course to meet me before entering the gates.

"Why did you leave your chambers?" he asked quietly. He seemed curious, maybe a little hostile. Perhaps he inherited his father's legendary calm anger.

"I heard a commotion and wanted to see if I could help. Is that not customary for guests?" I asked with a bit of arrogance. I do not appreciate being questioned when I have not done anything wrong.

"No, it is not. In fact it is rather strange that the mists bothered with you at all. They seem rather indifferent to those born outside these walls." I could almost see the gears turning inside the Prince's head.

"Strange indeed considering I am of Rivendell."

"Strange indeed. I would appreciate it if you could tell me who your parents are, where they are from." I do not believe he will like my answer.

"My parents died in battle. My father was from Mirkwood, my mother form Lothlorien. I have no other family. A couple from Rivendell took me in." I leave my uncle out of it as he warned.

"You truly have no other family?" The Prince pressed, as if he knows I am lying.



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