Chapter 4

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The gates swing open to reveal the most stunning architecture I've ever seen. In all the books I've read and the paintings I've seen, nothing hand-made compares to the carven wonders of this cavern. I am lead through a series of winding pathways suspended high above the ground, noticing a large soldier presence at ever turn. Prince Legolas leads me into a small chamber a short distance from what appears to be a throne room.

"Wait here while the King finishes with his meetings," he says plainly, then turns on his heel and leaves, presumably to return to his post at the gates.

I look about the room, less bewildered, but still entranced by the thematic beauty of the style. In Rivendell, all the architecture looks scholarly and peaceful, but these walls tell a very different history of the people who have lived here. The woodland elves seem less scholarly, and more aggressive.

"The King will be unable to see you today, visitor. He may see you tomorrow and has granted lodging for the night. Please follow me," a female voice said, interrupting my thoughts.

"My name is Arthon," I grumble as I grab my pack and follow her down another winding path. I doubt she heard me. I can see her auburn hair glinting in the strange warm light of the cavern, a simple braid tied over her otherwise straight hair. A beautiful pair of daggers is tied on her hips. Bronze hilts and curved iron blades protrude from the partial sheath attached to her belt. She leads me to what appears to be a small guest room, with a small bath chamber and a grand poster bed.

"My name is Tauriel if you need anything. Just ask the guards outside for me and I'll be here as fast as I can. Enjoy your stay," she says, like I'm just passing through for the night. I grunt a quick thank you as she turns on her heel and leaves, locking me in the room.

I start looking around, thinking about what I will say at my meeting with the king tomorrow. I walk into the bathroom and notice the tub, suddenly feeling the effects of hard-riding. I start to prepare for a bath before a knock on the door interrupts me. Thankfully I hadn't taken any clothes off.

I swing the door open to the face of a guard. He is near my age, but seems infinitely more exhausted. "I am to keep you here tonight and escort you to the throne room tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know that it has been a rough couple of years. I recommend that you sleep with a weapon close by tonight." That was all he said before turning back around and standing to one side of the door. The increased soldier presence must be to keep whatever is plaguing this kingdom at bay. I could only wonder what could bring a realm as established as this to its knees as I finished preparing myself for bed. I decided to listen to the guard's warning and fell asleep with a dagger in hand.

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