Salty tears burn my eyes as I sink to the floor, my whole world has crashed down on my shoulders and I don't know if I can take it. With my palms sweaty and heart racing, I look up into his eyes and choke out "How are you out of french fries?!"
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"Psst, Grace, we're home." A soft voice whispers, I whimper slightly and readjust my body on the soft mattress. I'm way too comfortable to get up right now.
"The chocolate cake is here!" I hear Charlie yell, instantly I jump out of bed, scrambling on the floor like a chicken.
"Cake?!" I yell, looking around trying to find my husband.
"There's no cake Ace, he was just saying that to get you up." Misty says, rolling her eyes in the process. I frown and sit back down, this is a horrifying way to wake up. You don't tell someone you have chocolate cake when you don't, that's cruel.
"Ugh." I groan, standing up slowly and start to stretch. I link my hands together and raise them above my head, stretching out my limbs. I soon notice my shirt raised up a bit too high, blushing, I pull my shirt down. I then notice Darren staring at me from the back of the room, what's he doing?
"Alright, let's go get our bags." Misty announces, interrupting me from my thoughts, I nod and follow her outside with Charlie on my heels.
"It feels like it's been ages since I've been here." Misty sighs, staring up at James mansion.
"Well, you were gone for ages." Charlie chuckles pointedly.
"True." Misty laughs, we all walk into the mansion only to find Aphrodite and Sadie talking to each other as Zane, Bates and James started bringing in all the bags and suitcases.
Soon the girls notice our presence and then it goes wild.
"OMG MISTY WE MISSED YOU!" Sadie yells loudly, she brings Misty in for a huge hug as Aphrodite stares at her in shock.
"Omg is that you?! You look so much older than the last time we saw you!" Aphrodite smiles widely as she hugs Misty tightly.
"Hun we gotta give you a makeover today, we gotta cut your hair, get ya some new clothes, shave your legs, wax your eyebrows, get you a-"
"Okay okay okay, that's enough." Misty laughs, it really is amazing how Misty has been through so much yet she still smiles as if it never happened. She's so strong, I know I couldn't handle anything she went through.
Suddenly Aphrodite and Sadie pull Misty upstairs leaving Charlie and I standing there in silence awkwardly.
"What're you doing? C'mon Grace! you're getting a makeover too!" Aphrodite yells from upstairs, I break out into a smile and run up the stairs towards their bedroom, leaving Charlie stranded there alone. It wouldn't hurt to have a makeover, right?
"Alright, so lets do a complete makeover. Like full on makeup and dresses!" Sadie squeals in excitement, I shrug in agreement as Misty nods with a smile. I guess it'll be fun.
"Alright let's get started!" Aphrodite smiles, I sit down on the chair and let them do their magic on us.
After an hour of pokes in the eye and staying stiff we were finally done, I stand up and walk over to the mirror but an arm grabs mine before I could see myself.
"No wait! We gotta get you in a dress before you can see yourself!" Sadie smiles, she shoves Misty and I in the closet and starts to pick out the dresses.
Aphrodite holds up a skin tight black dress which did not suit my approval. Instantly I shake my head no with wide eyes, it would barely reach my thighs!
"Uh, sorry hunny but yes. Put this on now, and Misty here's your dress!" Sadie smiles, handing over a bright red dress which was tight around the waist but flowed out nicely at the legs to Misty. It ended around mid thigh.
I'd rather much wear that dress instead of a skimpy black one.
"Why are we getting these kinds of dresses? I thought this was just a fun makeover, it's like you're getting us dressed for a ball." I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow, staring at the two which were smiling like crazy.
"Okay you guys weren't here, you were in Cali so we had to be stuck in this house alone with Zane and Bates. I wanna do something fun, so why not a makeover?" Sadie smiles innocently, she looked honest, and I knew that Sadie barely ever lies. She's way too pure and kind-hearted for that, it surprises me that she got a gang member as a boyfriend.
"Ugh fine." I groan, grabbing the dress and start to undress. Misty follows my movements and soon we're all dressed up in our dresses.
"Damn y'all look hot!" Aphrodite smiles widely as Sadie nods in agreement, proud of their work.
I open the closet doors and walk over to the mirror and gasp loudly. I didn't even look like myself, the dress showed off every curve of my body making me feel uncomfortable. Luckily the dress did reach my mid-thigh.
"Okay, this was fun but I'm done now." I state, unzipping the side of my dress, letting it pool at my feet.
"Um, no. Hunny put that thing back on, we're gonna go show the boys!" Aphrodite smiles widely, instantly I shook my head vigorously. We never agreed on that!
"No, nope, no way, nada! N, O, means no!" I yell, crossing my arms. I look over at Misty only to see her eyes as wide as saucers, she felt uncomfortable too.
"No, you better put that dress back on right now missy!" Sadie yells, her left eye twitching as if she were saying 'try me'.
To see Sadie this serious had my scrambling to put my dress back on, she was never one to yell or get angry. But why does it matter so much to her?
I zip my dress back up, before I could argue Sadie pushes me out the door and forces me down the stairs.
Instantly all the guys attention turns to us, except I couldn't see James anywhere, thank the lord.
"Where's James?" Sadie asks, Bates looks over at her and answers immediately "He's still unpacking the back latch. But Darren is over there." Bates says, nodding his head towards the kitchen indicating that Darren was in the kitchen.
Suddenly Darren walks out of the kitchen with a tired look on his face, when his eyes land on me they darken causing my confusion to grow. Everyone else started to talk to each other leaving me standing there alone, Darren staring me down causing me to grow uncomfortable.
What's up with him?
Lately he's been acting weird, different.
"Grace. Go." Darren says, walking up to me with dark eyes.
I tilt my head in confusion.
"Grace I won't be able to hold myself back, go right now." Darren says, a vein popping out on his forehead.
"What do you me-"
Suddenly his lips crash down on mine causing my eyes to widen in shock, I didn't have any time to react before Darren falls to the floor.
I turn my head to notice a pissed off James standing right next to us, everyone else stared at us in shock. I didn't know what to do or how to react.