Salty tears burn my eyes as I sink to the floor, my whole world has crashed down on my shoulders and I don't know if I can take it. With my palms sweaty and heart racing, I look up into his eyes and choke out "How are you out of french fries?!"
book trailer up above, thank you snazzydolls for the beautiful trailer, please go follow and subscribe to her
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I held my stare with Misty, her hair reached her waist and she definitely got much taller. She looked so different I almost couldn't recognize her.
Suddenly the manager fell to floor, his tight grip left my arms. I turned around only to see James holding a silencer gun.
With a big smile, I bend down to the manager and grab the keys hooked on his belt-loop.
"Where is she?" James says with a certain emotion I couldn't place resting on his face.
"Follow me." I say quickly, running towards Misty's cell.
I open up the cell and instantly Misty leaps towards James, he wraps his arms around her waist and buries his face in her neck. I almost had to stop myself from cooing, I felt super emotional all the sudden.
"James." Misty sobs, pulling him closer for a hug.
"I missed you so much!" James cries, it felt so different to see this soft side of James. I never really saw him cry before so this was something new.
Misty slowly pulls away with a soft smile on her face, she looks over at me as more tears roll down her face.
"Ace." Misty smiles, using my old nickname that she always said.
"Misty." I smile back, pulling her in for a hug. It felt so weird but exciting to have my best friend back, this felt like a dream.
"Where's mom and dad?" James asks with a smile, I loved seeing him let his wall down for his family.
"Follow me!" Misty smiles through the tears, running to a cell where her parents stood.
"James! Grace!" They gasp, tears filling their eyes. I couldn't help but start crying. This was getting too emotional for me to handle. I didn't even know that his parents were kidnapped also. I guess I should've known, after all they went with Misty too.
We open up the cell, her parents instantly pull all of us in a group hug.
After all the hugs we soon pull away.
"So how did you and James meet?" Misty asks as James starts to open up the rest of the cells.
"Uh, we met at Starbucks. We just talked and he found out that I was your best friend." I chuckle, shrugging with a soft smile.
Misty raises a questioning eyebrow towards me but quickly dropped it, I was always bad at lying. I'm a bad liar.
"Let's get y'all home so we can really talk about what happened." I suggest, looking at everyone to make sure they're on board. Everyone nods and soon we all meet up at the Lamborghini.
I meet eyes with Charlie who stood quietly at the car, his eyes were wide with shock and worry as he stared at Misty.
"Misty." Charlie smiles widely, Misty looks over at Charlie and instantly smiles.
"Char!" Misty cheers jumping on Charlie and giving him a bear hug, I smile at the two and look over at James. He looked so pretty in the moonlight. His sea green eyes were vibrating with intensity and his face was lightened with a soft warm smile.
I don't like him, right?
"Let's get back to the jet." I say trying to shrug off my thoughts.
We all file in the Lamborghini as Darren starts the car. Soon we're on the road towards the jet.
"I should've made him suffer." I hear James whisper beside me.
"What?" I ask in confusion.
"That guy who took you, he brought you to the cells and tortured my little sister. He deserves a slow painful death. Not a bullet to the head." James says, clenching his fists.
"James, I think a bullet to the head was enough." I smile, rolling my eyes in the process. Why would he think shooting someone isn't enough? Ending his life was way worse than I expected.
"I know, I just wish I could've made it more- give him what he deserves." James sighs, running a hand through his light brown hair.
I don't know what came over me but I reach over and grab his hand, grabbing his fingers and un-doing his clenched fist. James instantly relaxes and leans his head back against the seat. I keep messaging his hand, rubbing circles in his palm with my thumb.
Suddenly I felt a stare burning in the side of my head, I look over and see Misty staring down at our conjoined hands. Misty looks up at me and instantly smirks. She shakes her shoulders in a teasing way before looking away with a smile.
I instantly let go of James' hand with a blush creeping up my neck, that was embarrassing.
"I never told you to stop." James whispers, I look down at his hands and begin to message it slowly again.
I slowly started to drift away in sleepiness, soon I let myself fall into a dreamless void.
I wake up only to feel a pair of arms carrying me to an unknown place, I slowly open my eyes to see everyone filing in the jet, the person carrying me walks in the jet and sets me down on an unknown bed.
I could barely hear what the person said considering I was half asleep but I swear I heard something along the lines of "I love you."
I fell asleep with one thing on my mind.
Who was that?
James POV
I look over at Darren as he set down Grace on the bed, I wanted to carry her to bed but Misty needed help with the bags in the back latch.
I watch Darren slowly walk away, I take this as my chance and quickly jog up to my sleeping beauty. Her long brown hair shimmered in the light, her perky nose twitched slightly in her sleep in the cutest way possible. Her eyes fluttered every now and then, only one thing crossed my mind.
How can one be so god damn cute.
She's adorable in every way possible, her big brown eyes and innocent features. She's killing me without even knowing it.