Chapter 4:Ocean Onland

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Lincoln and the sisters got changed after awhile of of breakfast and headed to the one place they could get Lincoln fresh clothes Arowna Mall. The way to the mall however Lincoln thought was strange because the sisters took backways and hid themselves with Lincoln when a group of people came close. This made Lincoln wonder why were they hiding themselves after a while a big group of people left he asked them" okay what's going on we've been hiding from people since we left" Callie was about to answer when a TV came on saying remember "kids n Squids to purchase your tickets for the squid sisters concert". Then at the end of the ad he saw the two in the outfits that they had on now on the TV this made Lincoln realize they were celebrities but also made one question arise.The question was immediately asked "okay I realize you're hiding not to get crowded by fans but I got to ask what name squid sisters" this was then when Marie explain to Lincoln about how they were inklings and how inklings are squids. The look Lincoln gave was a look of shock and disbelief and he said "wait but you look like a mammals is this a joke" the sisters looked at each other and not it and turned into their squid forms and then back.The look then went to just amazement and then Lincoln said "if my sister Lisa was here she would be amazed and water on and on about science stuff I can't understand" Callie  laughed saying "we have a cousin named sheldon that who does the same thing". Then Marie said "there are other races that exist" Marie puts her hand on Lincoln saying "we'll let you know what they are when we encounter them" Callie then said " and we chose sister because squid sisters are better than squid cousins". They all laughed and then went to the stores they first checked out a store called cooler heads when Lincoln entered he saw a girl with what looked like flowing hair like appendages Marie said "hey Annie what's up" Lincoln was about to ask when Callie whispered "she's an anenome". Then the girl named Annie looked at Lincoln a little bit confusion on her face and said "it's nice to meet you you seem like a good um" Marie caught on and whispered and said "human his name's Lincoln and he's the last one". The meanwhile Lincoln looked around seeing hats and sunglasses and soon stopped on a pair of Shades they looked like regular sunglasses except they were orange and had little black squids on them. Then Lincoln said "I want that pair" he got them and put them on the counter in and he was about to tell the price when Lincoln and the sisters heard "alright who woke me from my nap". This was when Lincoln saw a little clown fish poke out of Annie's Hair and when it saw Lincoln it immediately laughed "oh man that thing is ugly if he's like a date or something you girls are extremely desperate". The anger was a parent on the sisters but Lincoln looked the clownfish and said "you know one thing we humans have is Sushi which is basically raw fish so the question is what do you taste like because you're a fish I like to eat raw". The face Lincoln made was one Lori or Lola did to intimidate their siblings this worked for as he made that face the clown fish head leading the sisters scared and Annie amazed. The fact was Annie was always too shy and quiet the speak up to know that you found that thing that made Moe quiet and she said "hey Lincoln if you ever want to get something or just hang out please come here as much as you want". The sisters soon looked at Annie and Lincoln said "I might just do that" the moment that the three left Moe said "are they gone" Annie got an idea "nope that coming back every hour" moe hid deeper saying "I'm staying out of sight for the day". Meanwhile outside Lincoln look to the sisters saying "I was bluffing I just did what my sister Lori and Lola would do use intimidation to get him to back off" relieved they headed to jelly fresh. The moment they got inside Lincoln said "let me guess jellyfish" both sisters nodded saying "yep" jelonso looked at Lincoln "saying not inkling yes something else right". Then Lincoln was eventually shown many shirt in Jelonzo so figuring out what style to get the strange creature jelonzo said "maybe one with blue stripe yes" Lincoln said "orange is really my color and learning from my sister Leni horizontal stripes just make people look fat". Then the sisters got mad saying "hey" Lincoln Not Looking Back said "those don't count as stripes on the outfit plus they're not really much bad to say about your outfits given the different ways you can change it to make it look different" this impressed Jelonzo this newbie wasn't an expert but wasn't completely in the dark about a fashion this made Jelonzo think and he remembered something he went and got a shirt with a red squid form on it and the rest Orange. The eyes of Lincoln loud got wide and he said "how much" Jelonzo said "normal price you have head in good shoulders on fashion you I am amazed know much". The moment they paid and left Jelonzo said "thing have Style" the one thing that was left was shrimp kicks and looking at the sign Lincoln said "the owners a shrimp" Marie said "close he's a prawn". Then Callie said "let's kick it" and Lincoln said "yeah and no squidding around" then Callie looked at Lincoln and laughed while Marie groans saying "really" Lincoln shocked said "whoa I sounded like my sister Luan". The three walked inside and saw crusty Sean at the counter Marie said "hey crusty Sean what's hanging" crusty looked up saying "hey squidos". Then when he saw Lincoln said "and uh..."Callie said to Sean "long story but he's the last of his kind a human" Lincoln look nervously at Sean and Sean said "hey you don't need to worry my fellow footed fellow". This made Lincoln say "thanks you're nice like my sister Leni" Marie said "how many sisters do you have Lincoln "this made Lincoln say "I'm the Middle Brother of 10 sisters". The sisters and crusty Sean's mouth were wide open they couldn't see someone with that many sisters have that much free time at all"those are definately fresh". The sisters broke out of their trance to see Lincoln bought a pair of orange and black shoes Lincoln saying "let's go".The sisters smiled and turned to the exit they immediately frowned and went wide-eyed.They forgot to do one thing after leaving cooler heads and now they see their mistake.

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