Chapter 9:past friends in the present part 2

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They were rushing through the street and Lincoln asked "where are we going"and Callie said "I'd like to know that too" and Marie said "I dont know gramps just said he wanted to see us".They then went to the drain meanwhile cuttlefish was outside paceing back and forth and then he saw Callie and Marie with Lincoln.Then Callie said "whatcha need Gramps"and cuttlefish turned to them and said "earlier today though the work of my technology" and Marie whispered to Lincoln"another persons technology Gramps is terrible with some tech"and Cuttlefish continued "I have detected that an octoling has made it out of octo canyon and into inkopolis"and this caused Lincoln look confused and the sisters scared and Lincoln said"octoling?".Then Cuttlefish said "oh yes your new well basically octolings and inklings have been fighting for a very long time with inklings winning the war and you must keep this secret plan for a second attack".Then Callie said "yep they've been kept back from attacking us inks"and Marie said"though this does raise some flags could you tell us why though I mean so far the octolings have been just in octocanyon".Then Lincoln asks "are octolings all evil" and gramps responded "no well see it use to be both races were at peace with eachother but then the war happend I can't remember why but we won and it was peaceful for a time until octavio rose to power and well he figured out how to control his race with mind control and they became a mostly mind controlled race but I would like to believe one day we will both be at peace and together".Then Marie said"so whats the octoling look like and why are we looking for them"and Cuttlefish said"humoniod octoling and to determine if their friend or foe a friendly octoling might pave the way for peace but if its like the ones we mostly encountered must be captured and sent back to octocanyon."Then Lincoln asked "humanoid octoling?"and cuttle fish said "looks like an inkling but with suction cups on the outside the tentacles are red and also be careful octovio has made it to were octolings are aggressive".Then Callie said "on it gramps no need to worry" and Cuttlefish said "ok and come back sometime it would be good to meet on less stressful times"and they left and Marie said "Ok well lets head back home Ive had too much excitement for today"and Callie said"yeah ok come on Linc".The moment they got home they spent their just enjoying themselves and soon it was dark out and when Lincoln woke up he looked and saw he was asleep on the couch and saw that the garbage bag was full and thought 'might as well take it out' and Lincoln with his key to the house and splattershot just in case went outside and when he got to the garbage threw it away and was about to leave until he heard a noise and taking his splatershot investigated and saw a shaking trashcan.This got him thinking 'ok so besides an electronic goin of there isnt a rat or mammal in their' and Lincoln with splattershot in hand went toward the trashcan.Then he lifted the lid and saw what looked similar to a little squid but different it was more rounder and a kind of aqua marine color and when it looked up it shook and before Lincoln could react it said "dont hurt me".Then this strange new figure transformed and when Lincoln saw this new figure he thought 'this is an octoling?'.The octoling appeared to have suction cups on the outside but they were teal and their behavior was suppose to aggresive this one was timid.Then Lincoln saw the fear in the octolings eyes and they showed a  scared girl not eyes of an invader and Lincoln knew this look well considerering he once had some younger sisters.Though the moment before he could try to talk to her she bolted and Lincoln was left standing there he could chase her down but it was to dark and he wasnt exactly in running clothes.Then before he could
Even begin to process it the front door opened and he saw Callie and she looked at him and said"oh there you are what are you doing out here" and Lincoln said "oh taking out the trash" and Callie said "oh thats good but you should head back inside its a bit to dark out here" and Lincoln said "sure"and while he was heading back inside thought 'huh scared and afraid that octoling strangly reminded me of clyde'.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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