Chapter 5:veterans and decisions

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Their one mistake was forgetting to hide and when the first fan saw them with their unknown thing one question arose 'what is it' many more fans then began asking a lot of questions. They first heard "is it an inkling" another "is he a boyfriend" and one "could he be a possible relative of another race like Sheldon". They only saw a crowd like this one other time and they barely survived that one and now Lincoln was a Target for this when they heard crusty say "go out back I'll distract them" Callie said "thanks crusty" the sisters grabbing Lincoln's and heading to the one place they could go until it was calm. The meanwhile cuttlefish was sitting outside on his porch when he heard the tunnel his nephew Sheldon used being used and his thought was 'he's probably here to talk about another weapon'. The site that he got was his granddaughters with a strange creature behind them and he thought 'well better than Sheldon'. The moment they arrived Murray said this is where our grants lives the moment she said that cuttlefish said "so you came over to show your new boyfriend did you" the sisters blush and both said "no". Then cuttlefish chuckled saying "I'm joking so who is he" and cuttlefish looked closer and said "what is he" the four went inside and well Callie sat with Lincoln, Marie told cuttlefish about how he was a human. The old man then ask the question Lincoln wished he didn't asked "well tell me Lincoln why are you here". The question rang in his head a few times he sighed and told the story he told before and this time both sisters were peeved and cuttlefish looked at Lincoln sympathetic. Then he chuckled and said "you know Callie's mom did something like that to Marie's dad once" both sisters looked confused and said "huh". The story cuttlefish told went like this Callie's mom or cuttlefishes daughter went on a date and since cuttlefish couldn't get a babysitter Marie's dad or his son had to go. The moment that the date started everything went wrong and the date ended up leaving with another girl and for what was a good month Callie's mom stayed away from her brother. Then cuttlefish said" but eventually she began to be empty without him and they soon reconnected and that showed me one thing family is forever". Thought made Lincoln remember all the good times that they had together and about how it would probably never be the same without him. The moment Lincoln smiled and was about to say something when he heard the deepest and most villainous voice say "don't make me laugh". This made the sisters look angry and cuttlefish annoyed and Lincoln wondering who was that then went to the direction of The Voice and the side he saw was the strangest. The site was what looked like a large snow globe and inside a red octopus, then the octopus in question looked at Lincoln saying "I am Octavio". Is shocked Lincoln and Octavio said "tell me have you heard the saying the need to please many over the need to please one" Lincoln said "no". Then Octavio said "how many sisters do you have" Lincoln said "10 sisters and I'm the middle child" Octavio lightly chuckled and said "Lincoln you're the one your sisters are many and it abandoning you pleased the many". Then Lincoln felt a small tear as Octavio looked at him in the eyes saying "my heart hardened after the war and I did many things people called brutal but to abandon family makes your parents and sisters monsters". The one thing Lincoln wanted to do was argue but he felt the memories come back of all the bad times and they weren't pretty for him. The times were one if not all sisters were against him, the times not treated with equal respect and how he was treated like the black sheep. The thought made Lincoln cry and that's when cuttlefish and the sisters rushed in they're being a distracting discussion of containment beforehand. The sisters took Lincoln outside while cuttlefish yelled at Octavio and when outside the sisters asked Lincoln what Octavio said and he told them both looked at each other and then it him. They immediately hugged him and Marie said "Lincoln no matter what happens it's in the past and you have some bad memories but you need to know we won't let you feel like you're alone". This was when Callie said "because you have us and we have an amazing thing and that is you" they stayed together until Lincoln stopped crying. They saw it was getting dark so they said goodbye to cuttlefish and went home and getting there it was already night so the three went to bed. Though before they slept they all got a thought for Lincoln it was 'what is this feeling I felt it before' for Marie 'I'm not in love with him so what's this feeling'. Then Callie 'this doesn't feel bad I think it's good' then the three slept and tomorrow Lincoln was about to learn about a famous inkling game.

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