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Keith and Lance agreed to sleep together, especially cause Keith wanted to keep an eye on Lana. Soon both boys fell asleep. When they woke up, they heard Lana screaming. They rushed downstairs, to see her frantically searching and sobbing.
"Woah, Lana calm down, what happened?" Lance asked, softly grabbing a hold of her shoulders. She looked panicked.
"My, my moms necklace she gave to me, it's gone! I can't find it anywhere!" She had tears welled up in her eyes.
"What does it look like?" Keith asked, trying to be helpful.
"It's got pearls lining the chain, and a gold locket on the bottom that has her picture in it." Lana sniffled.
"Alright, Keith and I will help you look for it. Keith go outside and look for any signs on a break in." Lance told him. Normal he wouldn't take orders from a scrub, but he loves the scrub. "Got it. What's so important about it anyways?" Keith asked.
"She gave it to me on her deathbed..." Lana held in her sobs. Keith grabbed his jacket off the hook, he put his hands in his pocket and felt his eyes go wide. He pulled out a necklace with pearls from his pocket, seeing a gold locket at the end of it.
"That's...that it! What's it doing in your jacket Keith?!" Lana screeched, yanking it out of his hand.
"I-I don't know how it got there, I swear!" He exclaimed confused. Lance stared at Keith. He looked in disbelief.
"Lance, you don't actually think I'd theft a stupid locket, do you?!" Keith exclaimed angrily.
" But then why was it in your jacket?" Lance asked him. Keith rolled his eyes.
"I swear, I did not put it there." He growled.
"Look Keith, I know that you don't like that I know Lance and that I'm living with him... But why would you do this?" Lana asked him. He could see the smirk in her eyes. She set him up.

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