Untitled Part 7

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Previously on Why Me?

I am now living off a bar/restaurant called Nicky D's in an alleyway. I walk into Nicky D's and sit down at the bar.

"Can I help you sweet cheeks" the bartender asks.

"So you have any job openings?" I ask.

"Well we do need a new female bartender/waitress. Do you mind trying it out?" He asks.

"Not at all. Can I start tonight?" I ask.

"Yea. Here put this on and go tend to the people playing pool." He says handing me an apron.

I put it on and walk to the pool hall. And I see a familiar head with black hair and I freeze.


WARNING: there may be vulgar language and some graphic/sexual scenes.

The black haired boy turned around and walked towards me. Shit! I thought knowing he saw me. I turned to walk away and felt a hand slip around my waist. I froze.

"Hey babe I missed you." he said kissing my neck.

"Calum leave me alone you're drunk and I don't like you. You were to abusive for me to even like you for one more second." I said.

--Jazz begins to write :)--

"Oh c'mon, I know you've missed me" he slurs, I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

I managed to squirm out of his grip, and I stared at him with a disgusted look on my face.

"You're gross, get away from me and just get out of my life, for real this time, I have most definitely not missed you" I said harshly.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some actually nice people to go and serve" I said and started to walk away but not before I tipped the rest of his beer all over him.

Ugh, why did I ever date that absolute moron, what did I see in him, he was abusive verbally and physically, he was always drunk and his 'lads' as he called them, were all smack heads. I'm just glad that this time he might actually stay out of my life.

-- A couple of hours later--

I had finished my shift, it was now 2am and I had nowhere to go, because 'home', no thank you. I decided to go on a walk to try and clear my head of tonights events.

I had been walking for about an hour and I found myself at a place I recognised but only vaguely. I headed toward a nearby park and sat on one of the swings, to say I was freezing is an understatement. I was shivering and covered in goosebumps but I had nothing everything was still at m-, the place where my mother and sister lived. I had got a bit of cash from that shift and I needed a drink badly, time to see if I can get served.

I walk to the nearest off-licence and being the badass I am I pick up a bottle of Jäger and head to the counter, and without any fuss I bought it and walked back to the park.

I guess I wasn't in my right mind because for some reason I decided to neck the whole bottle and before I knew it I was passed out in some random park, great.

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