Untitled Part 17

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Here I am shopping for a girl. I totally know what I am doing. All she needs are the essentials. Oh, who am I kidding. I am totally lost. at least I know the stores that most girls go in.

I walk into Victoria Secret with the bag of clothes that Rose was found in. Looking around the store, I realize that I have another issue. I have no idea what type or style she'll want.

Great another problem! All I keep getting are problems. How am I going to accomplish anything.

A petite woman with shoulder length brown hair with blonde highlights walks up to me. "Hello sir, my name is Èva. How can I assist you today?" The young lady asks.

"Um... well I don't really want to bother you. Although I do have a problem that goes into a completely other problem." I reply as I sling the bag onto the  floor and start to open it.

"I don't mind sit. What is the problem?" Èva asks.

"Well, not to go in too deep, but the girl that I love is in the hospital and I need/want to get her a whole new outfit. But I only just found out her size for undergarments, but I still have no idea what the type or style that she'll like is." I rambled.

"Okay, sir-"

"Michael" I corrected.

"Michael. First, let me see a picture of her."

"Why?" I was so confused as to why this lady wanted to see a picture of Rose. I mean, was it so she could hurt her?

"So I can have a slight idea of the style she might like."

At that moment, I felt like a complete idiot. I mean, of course, she didn't even know Rose, therefore, she had no reason to hurt her. Now that I know that Rose would be okay, I took out my phone and showed her a picture that I took of us at the hospital.

* 20-ish minutes later*

As I walked out of Victoria Secret I realized that I can now get help from sales associates by doing the same thing I just did with Èva in that store.

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