Untitled Part 9

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Michal's POV:

I did it I finally told her how I felt, but I regret it now I have no idea how she is going to react.

"I'm sorry Michael but that's just how it was." Rose said.

I looked up so fast. She said 'was'. "Was?"

" Yeah Harry is being weird lately he came over and said we couldn't date and walked off." She said.

" I wouldn't blame him with what he found out." I said. ' shit I did I'm screwed why couldn't I keep my mouth shut I'm so stupid. Harry trusted me not to tell her let alone anyone.'

" What do you mean? What does he know?" she asked shocked.


Michael's POV:

"Mikey tell me; what does he know?" She asked.

Then it happened once again, I snapped. "You know what if you want to know so fucking badly why don't you ask him. I mean you care about him so much that you come to ask a someone you barely ever notice. Well I'm done trying to get you to notice me. I want you out of this house now! I'm so done with this hurt that I feel, this hurt that you make me feel." I yelled with tears streaming down my face.

"The hurt that you feel!?! Are you kidding me Michael! You the reason I cut myself your one of the reasons why I hate my life and to make everything worse you're blaming it all on me to why you hate yourself but you don't even give two shits about how I feel! You and your goddamn 'friends' beat me up every single day and you don even realize how I feel how much I want to kill myself. But don't worry Michael it's all my fault because the one person who actually cares about me the one person who doesn't hurt me and the one person who listens to me is now pitching me away the one person who is the love of my life and all you can do is fucking blame everything on me and think about your own fucking self !!!!!" She screamed in my face, stormed out, and slammed the door.

I put my hands in my face and cried. I always do this I always get so close to her or at least think I do and then I screw it up. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed my lighter, lifted my shirt, and started to burn myself again.


Rosie's POV


I called Harry so he could pick me up and so that I could talk to him but he didn't answer. I walked back in to the house and couldn't find Michael or Calum. I started to get worried and searched the house as I was nearing the kitchen I could smell smoke but there was nothing and no one in the kitchen. I started to run and came to the first floor bathroom and I knew something was wrong. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open.

"Who's there?" A voice said.

"Mikey is that you? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Rose what are you doing here? I thought you were mad at me? You need to leave." He said

"Miley what are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing rose just go away." He said.

I wasn't leaving I couldn't he needed me now more than ever. "Mikey you can either open the door on your own or I am going to break the door." I said.

"Fine I'm opening the door." He said.

As he was opening the door this loud noise came out along with a scream. 

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