Untitled Part 16

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Michael's POV:

"Hey Rose it's Mikey. I know you probably can't hear me, but I hope you can. I've told you multiple times before that I fucked up, and that there's no way I can possibly fix that; but the thing is, I'm not going to leave you alone. When you found me three days ago, I was embarrassed, I was at one of my low points. Later on when I found you I knew I fucked up once again. There are some things I can forgive myself for and thing I can fix but. at that point I knew that I failed you.  But, if there's one thing I can do it's telling you how I feel about you. Rosetta, my life has been a raging hell and your amongst the things that make me feel better. What I am trying to say is that I love you Rose" Michael said crying.


"what" I groan.

"Sir I have just come to inform you that Ms. Greene has been in a coma for three days. I am sorry to say that yo may want to make some funeral arrangements" The nurse states.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? Who are  you to come in here and start suggesting what I should start doing. I believe it's about time that you left." I said sternly.

"I'm extremely sorry sir." the nurse said turning to leave.

"Sorry my ass." I muttered


1:00 P.M.

"Cal, it's me. Listen,  I need you to get down here before I bust this nurse's face in. Plus, I need to buy Rose an outfit." I said over the phone.

"Great! What did this nurse do?" Calum asked.

"She basically insinuated that since Rose has been in a coma for so long that sooner or later they're going to 'pull the plug'." I summarized.

"Okay I'll be there in 20" Calum said and hung up.

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