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           Valarie's eyes darted to the Doctor. He tossed the notes back onto the desk and leaned on the desk, resting his head on his hands. He watched and listened to Valarie like a teen girl listens to the recent gossip.

     "Tell you everything I know?" Valarie asked, eyebrow raising as she set her cellphone back down. She folded her arms and leaned back in chair. The Doctor nodded.

"Alright. Well, Brion put a ad out three months ago. They were looking for new interns." Valarie began. The Doctor opened his mouth, beginning his input. Valarie quickly placed a finger above his lips, shushing him with a playful grin.

     "You wanted me to talk, so I'll talk. But don't interrupt me." She advised, her grin growing when he rolled his eyes and nodded for her to continue.

     "I'd never heard of Brion before. Thought it probably had moved from the states or somethin'. But when I saw they had internships open I jumped too it." Valarie explained.

     "Why?" The Doctor asked. He truly did wonder why such a young woman would choose this kind of career. It seemed dreadfully boring, and he knew he would tear his hair out if he was the one having to work it. Then again, he also had seen the fabric of time itself, so many human things could bore him. But not many.

     "Ever since I was a girl, I loved space and the stars," she shrugged, looking off from him, "Brion promised to help us advance towards the stars, find new methods of space travel and even find extraterrestrial life." Valarie sighed, her lips pressing into a thin smile.

     "Finding extraterrestrial life? Like, aliens?" The Doctor gawked, a knowing smirk on his lips. He always found it funny, how he would watch humans frantically debate about if aliens were real. Some even would ask his impute; and he'd try not to laugh as he answered because the simple fact was he was an alien. To them at least; to him, they were the so called aliens.

     "Basically. Ever since I was a kid-god this is stupid, why am I telling some stranger this?" Valarie laughed, pressing a hand over her eyes and shaking her head. The Doctor laughed.

    "No, go on, you've already got me interested!" He chuckled, moving his head so his eyes still caught her. After a brief moment, Valarie sighed and admired it.

    "I thought aliens were real. I still kinda think we aren't alone." She sighed, closing her eyes and waiting for the howling laughter and "you're crazy!" That she always expected. Instead, she received a soft voice.

     "I don't think your too off." The Doctor smiled. He scooped the papers the two formally looked at, holding them back up and pointing to the odd language written on it.

    "I'm pretty sure this is alien." He informed her, a eyebrow raised and a knowing look in his eyes. He set it back down, and scooted it towards her, allowing her to view it.

    "Listen now, you don't have to humor me." Valarie laughed, still leaning forward to view the language.

    "No," he cooed, folding his arms on the desk, "I actually do think so. Last time I saw someone right this, well, they didn't look too human." He revealed. Valarie's eyes darted to him quick as bullets.

     "Are you trying to say you saw aliens? Listen, Doctor, I maybe 'mad' but you are completely over the bend." She snorted, disbelieving anything that was coming out of his mouth. He frowned.

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