0.17 | E.O.D

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"GO ON. BAPTIZE THEM!" The Doctor spread his arms, venom practically dripping from his lips as he spoke to the Daleks.

"Dalek-Humans, take aim." They all raises their weapons. The small group of five behind the Doctor suddenly huddling together; Frank and Lazlo huddling the girls towards the center on instinct. "Go on! Give the command!" The Doctor cried as the Dalek-Humans took aim towards him.


         Silence fell. Nothing. Not a single shot rang out through the air - much to everyone's surprise. The Dalek repeated its command, and again, not a single shot was taken.

        "Obey! Dalek-Humans, obey!"

         "They aren't firing. What has he done?" Martha murmured, clutching onto Frank as she half expected a delayed reaction. "Obey!" The Dalek cried again.

        "Why." One Dalek-Human asked, head turned away from the Doctor and toward its own maker.

       "Do not question orders!" It responded.

       "But, why?"

       "You will stop this! Do not question!"

        "But, why?"

        Valarie withheld a laugh; the Dalek-Human reminded her of one of her nephews back home, who was going through a "Why?" phase.

     "You are not our master. And we, are not Daleks." His mono-voice responded, much to everyone's shock. "No, you are not. And you never will be." The Doctor told him, head shaking. He shoved his hands into his suits pockets and turned back to the Daleks.

      "Sorry. Got in the way of the lightning strike." He revealed, Valarie's memory flashing back to the Doctor's body shaking and screaming against that metal pole. "Time-Lord DNA got all mixed up. Gave them just a little bit of freedom." His voice was confident and proud of what he had done. The Dalek remained silent, soaking in all the information and the truth of its creations. It then gave its next command.

       "Then, they must die!" It shot down the defiant one first. The rest of the hybrids immediately began to fire down the Daleks - but their shots did nothing to the outer-shell of the Daleks. Everyone jumped to cover, cowering behind the rows of red theater chairs. Frank and Lazlo threw their arms on instinct over Tallulah, Martha and Valarie, who all cowered together to form a big sandwich of flinching bodies.

       In a shower of sparks and metal, a Daleks shell gave out and the creature seemed to explode from the inside out. It was glorious almost to see the sinister tin can explode for Valarie, as she had only grasped at what pain and suffering it had wrought in its path. Soon enough, the second Dalek exploded just as the first.

The firing stopped. The Doctor jumped to his feet, turning to the hybrids who now stood still, guns lowered, satisfied with what they had done.

"It's alright, it's alright." He was out of breath, probably from holding it in fear that one of the people he had came to call a friend behind him would be struck. "You've done it.

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