0.4 | S.J.S

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               "A HOSPITAL?" Valarie questioned, sitting on the beige stained seat, the gentle rock of the TARDIS still a foreign feeling to her. The Doctor did his usual job around, head bobbing up and down in response.

            "What's so important about a hospital?" She scoffed, legs crossed as she leaned against the back of the chair. Valarie snorted lightly. She watched him work the levers and buttons, always glancing up at a monitor with sticky notes covered in round symbols Valarie didn't recognize.

           "Well, I had originally planned to visit the infamous RMS Titanic, eat a meal, maybe dance some, but-"

            "The Titanic? Doesn't that seem a little morbid?" Valarie chuckled, eyebrow raised. The Doctor froze, looking up towards her across the console. He shrugged.

            "No, just pop in and out real quick. Besides, the Titanic is a fixed point; time locked, I can't change it. View is lovely, thought that'd be the perfect first place to take you." The Doctor let a low sigh out, before stepping away from the console as the wheeze and groan of the old box echoed through the room. Valarie still found herself purely amazed by the sound.

            "So, what's the catch? We on another planet, or are we in the future? Oh, or both? In a future, alien hospital?" Valarie smiled, jumping up from the chair. The Doctor's eyes flew to her.

            "What? No, that's too obvious anyway. Personally, if I was going to do something bad, I would choose now and Earth. Most of you don't even know of any other exsistance-apart from you and a select few- much less the shadow proclamation and-"

          "Shadow Proclamation?" Valarie asked retrieving her large grey cardigan, shrugging it on over the white shirt that tucked into a navy blue skirt.

            "Those like the laws of the galaxy?" Valarie questioned, folding her arms as she stalked to his side, him bent down and fishing for something under the console. He jumped to his feet, peering down at her.

          "You always impress me with how quick you catch on." He cooed, a goofy grin playing his lips. She smiled warmly, arms folded.

          "I impress you period." Valarie smirked, as a dull thud echoed through the TARDIS. Valarie's eyes wandered upwards, looking around the room.

"We'll see about that one, Val." He teased, turning and walking towards the TARDIS doors.

"What, we just gonna show up and expect them to let us snoop around?" She called after him. The Doctor froze, then turned back to her.

"You're right." He sighed, and folded his arms. He rocked back on his heels, lips pursed. He then released them with a pop, and uncrossed his arms, making a gesture for her to come by his side.

"C'mon now. Follow my lead." He nodded as she came by his side; him linking an arm with hers. The two walked outside the TARDIS, the doors groaning shut as Valarie looked up towards the sky. It was night.

"Now once we are in here, my name is John Smith." The Doctor warned, not wanting there to be any faults in the story when they tried to check in. He walked her to the front, pausing beside the entrance.

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