0.29 | UT.

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           〖 UTOPIA

"SO, WHY CARDIFF AGAIN?" Valarie asked, leaned against the console. Martha stood back with her arms crossed, watching as the Doctor worked his magic with the consoles controls.

"Well, Cardiff is like the San Andreas fault in California. It sits on a shift except this shift bleeds time and energy." He explained. "The TARDIS needs to, well, refuel to explain it simply."

"So this is a pit stop?" Martha asked. He nodded at her. He told them it would only take a short amount of time, twenty seconds. Valarie stood up and walked to his side and looked towards the monitor. She leaned in, scrunching her face and even tucking a lose strand of hair behind her head. She leaned back.

"I meant to ask, what does all of this mean?" She pointed at the circular symbols overlapping one another on the screen.

"Oh, that's gallifreyan." He explained.

"Why can't I read it? I thought the TARDIS translated everything."

"Well, they weren't made with humans in mind. In fact this particular TARDIS was made probably eons before humanity crawled out of the forests, and that was probably eons before you or Martha were even thought of. These are only meant to be operated by time lords, and that is the language time lords write and read in. Of course, now I'm the only one who can read and translate it." He scratched the back of his head, a hand in his pocket as he watched the TARDIS's status on it taking up the energy.

"So, what I'm hearing is that you are a old man."

"Oh yeah. I'm nine hundred and three. That's about, oh, eight hundred and eighty-three years before you were born."

"So not only are you old, you're a creep?" She giggled with a raised eyebrow. He leaned in close to her face. He leaned a arm behind her body, drawing closer to her face. She could practically feel his breath on her face. Her breath slightly hitched, trying to conceal the tension she felt and keep her smile.

"For sure, I am definitely a creep." He snapped a lever down and was gone from her space as he had been. The TARDIS groaned as it usually did. It then rocked sharply to one side and sparks exploded from the wires above. Alarms echoed as the TARDIS seemed to be losing control. Sparks showered them as they tried to cover themselves and were thrown from side to side.

"Somethings wrong. It's sending us into the future. The year one trillion, five trillion, fifty trillion, the year one hundred trillion? B-but that's impossible?" He asked watching the rapid gallifreyan symbols flash on the screen.

"Why is that impossible? What happens then?"

"We're going to the end of the universe."

The TARDIS finally stopped its shaking after a few moments, the silence deafening. The doctor stepped back and looked up at the console.

"What is out there?" Valarie asked.

"I don't know."

"That's rare." Martha scoffed.

"Not even the Time Lords came this far. We should go. We should really, really go." He looked to them before cracking a grin and running towards the door. He snagged his long coat and shrugged it on as he opened the door. The two followed him out into the open. It was dark like night, and they looked to be on a mountainous terrain. Martha was the first to notice the man lying on his back to the ground.

"Oh my god!" She gasped running towards him. "No pulse, you've got that medical kit in the TARDIS." Martha ran back into the box as the Doctor approached the seemingly dead man. Valarie followed hesitantly with a look of horror and concern on her face.

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