0.18 | L.E

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THE TARDIS GENTLY rocked and jerked, the Doctor's attention entrapped in the mess and jumble of controls. Wires, buttons, levers, and balls wrapped around and covered the console. Valarie swore to herself she never saw him touch the same lever twice in her time with him. With a confident lever flip, he stepped back. The rocking stopped.

"There we go! A perfect landing!" He scratched at the back of his head. "Which isn't easy, in such a tight spot."

"Should he used to tight spots by now." Martha remarked. "Where are we?" She asked silently, hoping her adventures weren't over just yet.

"There's no place like it." He nodded towards the door. Martha had mad haste to the door, but now her fingers lingered against the old wood. She became suddenly hesitant in opening the door. She ripped the door open with a sudden smile and ran out, expecting a bold new world.

Valarie and the Doctor followed Martha. They emerged into a room with teal walls, peachy red curtains, and a couch and tv. Pictures littered shelves along with papers, and wet clothes on a laundry rack. It was a home.

"Home. You took me home?" Martha asked.

"Back to the morning after we left. So you haven't even been gone twelve hours." He wondered to a row of childhood photos of Martha and her siblings.

"But after all the stuff we've done? Shakespeare? Old New York, New New York?"

"All in one night. So everything should be as it was. Books, cups, cds, laundry." He eyed the hanger, Martha quickly snagging the more unmentionable items in her hands. "So, right back where you were. As promised."

"So this is it?"

"Yeah, I probably should -" The phone rang, the Doctor pausing as all eyes wandered to a phone. The phone went to voice mail silently.

"Martha? Pick up. Or just pretend you are out, just thought I'd tell you your sister on TV of all things. Just thought you'd be interested." Martha knelt to grab the remote off the coffee table, and turned the television on. It sprang to life on a news channel. A old man stood at a podium, behind him a young woman similar in appearance to Martha. He was speaking about some new experiment he was to demonstrate soon.

"She is a PR at some new research lab." Valarie and the Doctor exchanges looks, recalling the circumstances under which the two had meet.

"And with the push of a single button," he wavered a single finger in the air, "I will change what it means to be human."

"Sorry, you were saying?" Martha asked, the pairs entire focus was entrapped within the screen. The Doctor drew back a breath. "Yeah, just one trip." He said, a hand squeezing Valarie's upper arm. He turned to Martha, as Valarie half way slipped into the door, still with her smiling face out.

"It was wonderful. Thank you." Martha sighed dreamily. "It was my pleasure." .He smiled, before mumbling a goodbye, and slipping into the TARDIS with Valarie. Martha stepped away from the large blue phone booth, as it began to groan and wheeze.

Papers and anything small and light began to fly around the room with a gust of wind emitting from the fading TARDIS. Soon enough, the room was empty again, except for Martha. Her face fell solemn as her gaze fell blankly to the floor. She wasn't given enough time to process what had just occurred before papers began to whisk about the room again, and the box began to materialize once again. The door swung open once it stopped, and the Doctors head sprung from it.

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