Some people write for fame or money. That’s why it’s interesting to hear other personal reasons why someone would write a book.
Since I’m now working in a publishing company I can’t help but interview some people. I met few writers. Most are popular in their own right. And I learned that each of them has their own style.
The first one used to be a news reporter and according to her she loves sharing valuable information. She’s also a natural gossiper. Ideas, no matter how big or small, are like pieces of gold that she discovers and she’s willing to share. She loves to determine a fact from an opinion. And what she wrote are often romantic comedies filled with wit and love.
The second writer I talked to is quite known for being sensual. She says she writes as if she’s writing on her journal and her diary. It’s always both. She can never write on only either of those because she can’t just write about the daily events that’s been happening to her characters. She has the need to write about her reflections and realizations. She says that most people who brand her novels as erotic may not be aware that her novels are more than just about people falling in love. Sometimes it also infuriates her whenever she hears people look down on her works.
The third writer is an evaluator. She often had an opinion about almost everything. She often talks about purpose. So, if there’s something she does not wish to do it only means that doesn’t make sense to her. She believes that evaluating should be like breathing. It should come out naturally and should be accepted easily. But although she loves explaining things she often gives a challenge to the readers of her mystery novels. She hates spoon-feeding so she kept things to keep them guessing.
And lastly, I talked to a very odd writer who wrote about paranormal stories though she admits she hates horror films. She doesn’t like anything gory but her words are intriguing enough to make someone believe something scary actually exist somewhere. Or that the person next to any normal human being may not be normal at all. She says she started writing because of her deceased mother. If that isn’t scary enough then I don’t know what scary means. But she clarify that her mother was also a writer. And she is the ghost writer of her mother’s last novel. She unknowingly persuades people by expressing herself. But she wasn’t aware of this when she started writing and she was often confused whenever people say she’s a good writer.
So while talking to these women they can’t help but ask why I was so intrigue about their writing career. And I told them I recently read a book and the story was so familiar I felt like I was part of it. I know most readers could relate to what they’re reading, and thus, fans are born. But with this particular book entitled Mother and Child I was mystified.
When they heard the title they all claimed that the book was familiar and the author was quite popular. But no one knows who he is. And so I asked how it was possible? Some of them shrugged and simply didn’t answer my question.
Normally with those reactions I felt I should just stop asking and forget all of my pending questions. But I find myself digging into that author’s life and the more I dig the more I’m reaching a dead end.
Until finally... someone told me... “Sometimes it’s hard to answer your own questions.”
And that made me stop digging—at least for a while.
Soon, I found out the truth. My hunch was right. I knew who the author was. I also knew why she writes.
She writes to help someone understand reading.
Many people don’t realize this, or they won’t even admit doing this, but most of the time people skip words that they don’t understand.
And I simply agree on this.
The Man With Fifteen Questions
Short StoryThese are the words of a man who asked and answered his questions.