Chapter 5

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I glanced over to the tree at a corner of the house about twenty feet away from me to my right. Slowly, and carefully I start inching my way over as I feel drool on the edges of my lips and reminding myself every couple of seconds to keep my lips pulled back as to not ruin my phone.
Again. I make progress and about halfway I stop when I hear a groan from the open window a foot to my right. And guessing the area I'm at and the sound of it, I am right next Mikey's room. I feel my heart skip a beat. Now you see, Mikey is a mildly light sleeper, and a big scaredy cat of the dark and loud noizes, due to the fact he always seems determined to sit through a full horror movie on movie night in our home. He ends up hiding his face in my side and my arm wrapped around half of the time, so I have no idea why he has to watch it or not say something about it. But because of this, I can not tell if he is awake, or simply dreaming whatever the hell he normally dreams.
     I hope it is the latter. I continue moving right, now more consciously, and stop for a moment. I take a deep breath and try to move to take a peak into his room without falling off or getting caught. I look in and wait a few minutes for my eyes to adjust and when they do, i can see his naked figure softly outlined by the slowly rising sun, making my nose scrunch up slightly and my lips turn down for a second or so. I was hoping not to see anything I would later regret ( it seemed that he kicked the sheets off, and no clothes on at all). Seeing this made me gag. I froze as he moved in his sleep and made my situation even worse, for he was unconsciously giving me a full, clear view of everything now. I gotta admit he has nice muscles and what not, but I could do without the mental image of what is at the end of that v line.
Turning so that my back was towards him and the wall once again and continue while trying to forget the mental image I am probably forever cursed with now. I eventually make it to the tree, stopping to try slurping back some of the saliva around my phone and lips while a thought of how much easier this would have been if I had put on clothes with pockets before risking my health, and take a leap, I nearly missed the branch entirely. Hanging on with one hand, I reach up with the other and start to pull myself up with slight difficulty. I get about halfway before bending my body and swinging my leg over to make sure I am secure on the branch that seems to barely be holding me up. I crouch down low, losing my balance only once before regaining it, I take my phone out of my mouth and wipe my mouth before putting it back and partially crawling and walking towards the middle of the tree. When I finally get to the thicker part of the branch, I stand up fully when I felt more like I was not gonna fall and brake something due to being about halfway up a gigantic fucking monster of a tree. I leaped from the branch I was on, to a lower branch, and I keep repeating this until I make it to the second to last branch, and almost lost my balance once again and stop for a short moment. I couldn't help but think that I am gonna regret this decision. I finally jump to the last on and right after, I hear a loud snap and get the wind knocked out of me. I stare up at the sky in a pained daze and groan dramatically. I lay there for a while waiting for the pain to go away and to regain my breath.
     Eventually I get up and dust myself off before realizing that I no longer had my phone wedged in between my lips and search for it. I find it right next to the branch that fell down with my earlier decent. Picking it up I rack my brain for the old number that I haven't thought of in years since I lived in a decent home, don't get me wrong, I love it here where I am now, but I wasn't always apart of this life. I finally think I remember the number and send a silent pray that he had not change it over the years.
      I dial the number and bring the phone up to my ear, listening to it ring a couple of times before someone answered in a tired and grumpy, accented voice, "hello?" I chew my lip for a second, thinking if I really want to do this. The voice speakes again, more irritated this time, "Hello? Is someone there?...If you don't speak up soon I may just hang up and go back to-" I cut him off at when he said that," Um, is this Dr. Mendez by any chance?" He was quiet for amoment before answering, "It is. May I ask who would be calling me at this ungodly hour?" I gulped. "This is Tiezee, Tiezee Custos a-" "Custos! Custos! I haven't heard from any of you in ages, mi hija! How are you little T?" I blush in memery of the old nickname from my childhood. "I'm...good, I'm good, and you, Mr. Mendez?" "I've been good, its good to hear from have you been since...uh, the accident?" my heart drops. "I am better now, and so is Butch an Nichol. We can finnaly support ourselves and everything. But there is a reason I called sir" he laughs. " Straight down to business, huh? Just like your papa. So what may the reason for your late call, after all these years, hm?" I sigh, wether from fustration or exhaustion I do not know. " I- I have a problem, a pretty, uh, worrisome one..." " ok, are you going to tell me or keep me in suspense, mi hija?" he asked with sarcasm in his voice to which I rolled my eyes to. I finally decided to just come out with it instead of beating around the bush, "I woke up with blood running down from my eyes."
   All I heard was his breathing stop, "¿que? Señora..." I took a deep breath and let it loose through my nose,"blood, from my eyes? Was almost like a fountain if ya ask me, guess you can call me the new bloody mary, huh? Heh" I laughed nervously. I started getting anxious when he wasn't answering me. "Uh, señor Méndez, ¿estás bien?" (Uh, mister Mendez, are you ok?) I asked him in the language he taught me as a kid. "Sí, hija mía, estoy bien. Es usted mismo de quien debe preocuparse. Lo que acabas de decirme es bastante serio, deberías venir a mi oficina ahora" (yes my daughter, I am ok. It is yourself you should worry about. What you just told me is pretty serious, you should come to my office now) he spoke to me urgently with concern laced into his voice. "O quien sea que sea su médico actual, pero no se olvide de mantenerme informado," (Or whoever your current doctor is, but do not forget to keep me informed) he added on quickly. "¡No!" I cried out in alarm, before I calmed myself and spoke again, "no, es por eso que te llamé, pero no puedo venir ahora mismo. Quiero hacerlo más tarde hoy, y no puedes compartir nada de esto con otra alma, como sea." (no, that is why I called you, but I am unable to come right now. I want to do it later today, and you can not share any of this with another soul, what-so-ever.) I told him softly, but sternly to get my point across. And as doctor, I know he can't share this with anyone without my consent, by law.
Nor could he force me to come if I chose not to take any action. It was my right.
    I heard him sigh dejectedly before answering me " sí, mi hija..." (yes, my daughter) "ok, so I will see you tonight, but for now I have to go, adíos señor" I spoke to him, now seeing the sun halfway up, meaning a few people will be waking up now. "Adíos, mí hija" he told me sadly, making my heart clench, and I hung up. I waited and watched the beautiful sun paint the sky, as the wildlolife started rising with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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