Pray that Hell or Heaven let's you in

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We lost so many men, so many people who never got to say goodbye. It's not their fault, it's his. General Washington made the bad decision of making Charles Lee second in command, at the time it felt sensible but now, not at all. I pace around our tent angrily trying to make sense of what has happened "Why would he just drag Washingtons name through the mud like that?! The General's done so much for him and us but Lee thinks he such a big shot. If only his brain was as big as his fucking ego!" I yell kicking a bucket that stood next to me. John comes up to me and ushers me to my bed, I sit down trying to control my breathing as John sits next to me hugging me tightly knowing I was upset. "It'll be okay. Lee will pay for his actions." Herc says as Alexander walks in. Alexander tells us the news of what Lee has been saying about Washington, it isn't pretty "Strong words from Lee some outta hold him to it!" "I can't disobey direct orders." "Then I'll do it." I turn to John looking at him for what he just said. I think of what he just said, he's going to duel Lee. How? I can't watch my friend die, not in a duel especially it's not right, not at the hands of a man like Lee. I watch as John gets up and walks out the door, Alex following behind quickly. I look to Laf and Herc "No, he can't. He can't do this. He could die, Charles Lee could shoot him and he could die! It's not right, it's not fair, he can't do it!" I shout crying into Lafs chest thinking of all the things that could happen. Why, why of all times? I just got here, made friends, why now? I wish I could give all of them a second chance. Hercules Mulligan will be a spy for the Union, Lafayette with go to France for French aid, John Laurens will duel Charles Lee, Alexander Hamilton will be shot by Arron Burr, that's their stories. What is mine? I came here, fought, and now where do I stand? What's my purpose, where do I fit in? I asked myself all these questions that most likely wouldn't be answered. I lean into Lafayette until I hear...

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Number Ten places

Two weeks later

Why? Of all days, why? The Union had been stealing the British plans and we were set to battle at Yorktown. To our soldiers dismay we'd be fighting with few numbers. John won the duel but cost Alexander his full respect from the General. Apparently the argument between Hamilton and Washington got pretty heated, this wasn't putting the General in a good mood. I put my uniform on grabbing my bayonet and looking in the mirror. I could die, but if I did it would be for my country and for my friends. I look towards my belongings and grabbed one thing, the one thing that matters. I step out and get into formation as we set off for Yorktown, everyone was on edge, breathes held, posture rigid, and souls who may or may not ever speak to their families again. Once we arrived we saw the British line of soldiers, we eyed eachother and whilst looking in those mens eyes I saw empathy, sadness, and fear. We may never see the light of day. This battle may be our last, but if anyone thinks for a second we didn't try. We have to prove them wrong.


The war has been going on for too long we've fought and fought for days. We're running low on food and our sleeping conditions aren't the best. We're at a stalemate, we just have to see who will crack first. Gunshots, crashes, bangs, booms, screaming, crying, silence. The symphony I had grown to deal with over and over and over again. Each time it gets worse, each time a sliver of hope is taken away never to be seen again. Now, what do we do? My life seems like it's dangling on a string waiting to be pulled up by George Washington or to be cut by King George III. Each day I charge and shoot and stab and kill. Now I do the same. I run on the battlefield bayonet in hand as I prepare myself but, something stops me I feel as if I can't move, I try to get away from this mysterious force and soon I do. I run through the crowd of men smoke blinding my eyes as I shoot at any bit of red I can. I feel regret, I feel upset and guilty, why of all days, why now? I thought everything had been peaches and cream. Being with the guys and having fun without a care in the world knowing that we could just relax and enjoy life for what it truly is. I smile at the now seemingly distant memories, meeting the men, getting my letter, drinking with Herc, debating with Alexander, dancing with Laf, snuggling with John. I was grateful, I was happy, I hadn't been that happy ever before. I was glad I could give myself a second chance, because only by the power of ones free will can they make a difference, they can be the change. I think over my life not realizing my body come to a hault. I think of my accomplishments not seeing the men dead around me. I remember my mother singing to me not hearing the gunshots and cannons firing. I remember my first friends not remembering how my friends were in danger. I feel happy, I feel free, I feel strong and confident, I feel- I feel...

I feel a bullet tear through my stomach. I grip onto the wound feeling blood gushing out. I cough up blood knowing this is it. I worried and thought so much of life and forgot to look toward the present. I fall to my knees looking around seeing Alexander and John fighting far away, I smile. It's comforting knowing your friends are alright, even if you aren't. I look to the sky "Raise a glass to freedom" Then everything goes black...

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