A Winters Ball

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It's been a while since our first attack and we've all been getting better slowly. My arm has healed and I've learned new things from my friends who I'm stuck with everyday. Laf taught me how to speak in French, Herc taught me how to down drinks and how to keep them down, John taught me how to fire and reload a pistol, and Alexander well he taught me how to debate. These skills are nice but, I can't help but feel bad for not helping them. They say that my company is more than any skill or practice can offer but, I still felt bad so, I have a plan.
"Guys the Winter Ball is coming up right? We all get to wear our uniforms and possibly go with someone?" I ask "Yeah, I'm excited but there's going to be so many girls trying to get in our pants because we're "soldiers" and that's the big new dating trend now!" John exclaims. I get up quickly grabbing Hercs hat and putting four little pieces of paper in it that have the names of the guys on them. I sit down on my bed and start "I'm going to pull a paper out of the hat, whoevers name is on the paper will get the chance to be my "date" if they so desire." I see everyones eyes light up as they circle around looking excitedly towards the hat. I close my eyes and fich around for a paper, once I find the one I think is best I take it out and put it in my hands. I open my eyes and look at the paper, "The person I have chosen is, Lafayette! So, what do you say?"
Laf looks at me happily and says "Oui mon chéri!" I blush at his small comment and look to the others seeing a grumpy John pouting over the choice I made. "Aw John I'm sorry I didn't pick you. Y'know what? Next time you and I will go do something just the two of us, does that sound good?" I ask putting a hand on his soldier. He nods smiling and goes of with Alexander and Laf to drink. "Should we get going Y/N?" Herc asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I nod and get up preparing myself for the shit show that is going to be the bar. There were two days until the ball hosted by General Washington and everyone was excited over one thing. The Schuyler sisters, Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy. They were the most envied of all, if you could marry a sister you'd have an easy life with no trouble, unless you mess up yourself. I look around the bar and see the usual suspects drinking as they usually do, then I see my friends Alexander leans back in his chair sipping his drink, Laurens is talking loudly, and Laf looks like he knew something that I didn't. That mischievous french fry. Herc and I walk to the table as I place myself in between John and Alexander knowing if I got bored I could turn to Alex to talk and he wouldn't be "that" drunk. The more I thought about the ball the more I worried so I did the one thing I was good at, drinking...

Timeskip because why not

This is it, today is the Winter Ball. To say I was nervous would be an understatement, I was terrified. So many important people would be there and who am I of all those people? I'm a soldier, that's it.
I quickly get my uniform on putting my hair in a bun and putting my blue coat on looking in the mirror and seeing someone unknown. I look to my friends and see them in the same attire, maybe this won't be so bad. We finally hear the carriage and get on the road, on the ride there we talked about simple things nothing too big but nothing too small. Once arriving we were greeted by the General himself which was a bit nerve-racking since he wasn't dressed in his normal uniform. It was just wierd seeing so many familiar faces but, not on the battlefield. Alexander was whisked away by Angelica Schuyler while Herc, John, Laf, and I went to the bar for one reason, free drinks! Currently I sat with a bottle of beer in front of me bored out of my mind and not feeling up to pursuing any man. I feel someone shake my arm slightly, I look up to see Laf with his hand extended for me to take it. I stand taking his hand as we go to the dance floor, we dance for what seems like hours, this calms my nerves and makes me rather happy. The party lasted for hours and hours, I couldn't help but smile at how the founding fathers, my friends had changed my life, for the better. We went back to camp around midnight in which didn't seem to help the drunk men who were making fun of Alexanders little "encounter" with the Schuyler sisters. We talked of the craziest things and even danced back at camp, had rap battles, and messed around more than we should have. I knew battles were going to come harder than before but it was comforting to know that we can be laid back and not have to act serious all the time. I sat next to Alexander as the other three sang about something to do with never forgetting the memories we've made tonight. I turn to Alexander and smile at him as he smiles back "Are you going to take them? Show them what you showed me?" Alex asked I ran a hand through my hair and inhaled "Possibly, after the war maybe? I'm not sure. The day I showed you was by shear accident but, you seemed to enjoy it so I'm sure those goofs would too!" I say smiling and continue to watch the world around me knowing right now I've had the opportunity of a lifetime. The opportunity to make a change. To be the change. That change seemed so far away but appeared to be right underneath my feet.

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